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August Bank Holiday Dig BACK ON US Army Dumping Ground.

Article about: Right, Sorry for having to mess around but the August Bank Holiday dig coming up is BACK ON due to the fact that i wont be able to make the rearranged date in September 2010. I know there ar

  1. #1

    Default August Bank Holiday Dig BACK ON US Army Dumping Ground.

    Right, Sorry for having to mess around but the August Bank Holiday dig coming up is BACK ON due to the fact that i wont be able to make the rearranged date in September 2010. I know there are few who cant make this date and apologies but we can allways make alternative arrangement for a day dig for those who will miss the BH date later. Aplologies again and anyone who can make the BH dig just turn up say around 10am on the site. Best Regards, Tim.

  2. #2

    Default Re: August Bank Holiday Dig BACK ON US Army Dumping Ground.

    See you all there
    Regards, Simon.

  3. #3

    Default Re: August Bank Holiday Dig BACK ON US Army Dumping Ground.

    Hi Tim.

    Will be there mate. PM sent.

    Regards etc

    Ian D

    AKA: Jimpy

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