There are two crowns on British navy badges, as well as on many other navy items: the sovereign’s crown, depending on the ruling monarch – currently it is Queen Elisabeth II Queen’s crown, with earlier King`s or Tudor Crown (both George V and George VI – The Great War and WW II). The other crown is ``Royal navy crown`` - also referred as Navy Tudor crown (SEE THE PIC). This is a bit confusing when dating the items because both sovereign’s crowns and ``Naval Crown`` appeared at the same time, i.e. there are badges and other naval items unquestionably dated as WW I and WW II with both King’s crown (George V) and ``Naval crown``. It seems that both crowns were indiscriminately used on naval items.
Questions: Can ``Naval crown`` help in dating naval badges and other items, i.e. when was it seen for the last time in Naval items? Does it appear on items after 1953 when Queen Elisabeth decided to use Queen’s crown?