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Main Classifieds » British and US militaria » Wanted
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Western Allies militaria wanted

Western Allies militaria wanted

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WW2 Tank Regiment Beret
posted by The Devil's Bank

I'm after a WW2 Royal Tank Regiment black beret, possibly 1944 dated.  Decent condition.
561 None n/a Sat September 18, 2021 13:56
Wanted WW2 original Monarch A-2 jacket
posted by Arado2021

Wanted Original A-2 jacket from Monarch or Dubow. Size: no real importance if in good display condition . Many thanks for your help.
208 None n/a Sat September 4, 2021 16:48

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M35 SS DD Pocher
29d 8h 14m 4s

Lakesidetrader - Down
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