11-08-2024 04:01 PM
Circuit advertisement
That's an interesting pin for sure.
I can't help but think it is a replacement which has been fashioned to look like an authentic pin. The sharp edges from where the excess has been filed to make the shape of an original perhaps?
I can see that the retaining pin on the hinge at the right hand side hasn't been pushed all the way in. Not an unfamiliar thing when it comes to badges. But the bend in the metal is something I haven't seen in a Schickle cross.
But as we know from this maker, quality control wasn't their strongest suit so I can't say for certain, especially as I still have lots to learn.
The closest I could find on one of mine was this one from a 1914 EK1.
Thanks Jamie. I was a bit hesitant about picking this one up. Something just didn't feel quite right about the pin. Safer that I steer clear of this one I think. Ron