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166th Squadron Avro Lancaster ME720 crash

Article about: 28th of April, 1944, a Lancaster from the 166th squadron based out of Kirmington, Lincolnshire, Mission : Bomb Friedrichshafen. After completing the bomb run they were lost above Zurich for

  1. #1

    Default 166th Squadron Avro Lancaster ME720 crash

    28th of April, 1944, a RAF Lancaster from the 166th squadron based out of Kirmington, Lincolnshire,

    Mission : Bomb Friedrichshafen.

    After completing the bomb run they were lost above Zurich for some time and shortly after they received fire from Baden.
    The swiss fire was effective and the bomber was shot and damaged.

    The bomber crashed in a field about 500 meters from the town of Hämikon and five airmen died.
    A sixt was injured and recovered on site by swiss authorities, while a seventh crew member escaped, being later found 3 km away in the town of Ermensee.

    Since the details of briefing given to the Bristish vice-cônsul were not clear, confusion was left in the air….. the plane had already a defective landing gear and they were lost, the swiss fired at them but the swiss claim they didnt….

    Today, parts of the details are still blurry.
    Was it really a plane mal function that let to the crash ? Or did the Swiss actually fire at them ?
    The probable part was, the plane had problems and the swiss did fire at them.

    Pilot: Robert Burns Ridley, P/O, deceased
    Navigator: A.C. Piggott, F/O
    Bombardier: Roy E. A. Phillipps, F/O
    Engineer: John James Eaton, Sgt, deceased
    Radio: Leslie Cotton, Sgt, deceased
    Gunner: Ross Lewis Clark, Sgt, deceased
    Gunner: Allan Mackay Weir, Sgt, deceased

    There are many sources out there but by far, "" has the more complete story on it.
    Von Schweizer Flab getroffen - Warbird - Information Files Switzerland : Warbird – Information Files Switzerland

    I was at the field this morning, and here are my photos.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture 166th Squadron Avro Lancaster ME720  crash   166th Squadron Avro Lancaster ME720  crash  

    166th Squadron Avro Lancaster ME720  crash   166th Squadron Avro Lancaster ME720  crash  

    166th Squadron Avro Lancaster ME720  crash   166th Squadron Avro Lancaster ME720  crash  

    Last edited by António Fragoeiro; 05-12-2020 at 11:20 AM.

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