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Article about: Hi everyone, Just visited the Verdun battlefield. Amazing. The woods are sinister with al the million of shell holes. You still find a lot of schrapnels and other remains of the battle. I we

  1. #1

    Default Verdun

    Hi everyone,

    Just visited the Verdun battlefield. Amazing. The woods are sinister with al the million of shell holes. You still find a lot of schrapnels and other remains of the battle. I went to an marvelous museum in Romange en Argonne. This was the scene of the last big American push. The museum is a collection of relics found in a cirkel of 5 kilometers around the village. Collected by the owner Jaen-Paul de Vries. So it is a personal relic collection. The museum was visited by Indy Neidell in the Great War you tube series.





    Every little village has it's monuments.



    The American monument


    Fort Douamont



    The trenches in the woods and I found a lot of tunnels in the forest. I did't enter these of course.




    Mine warfare



    The scale is immense so check out the photo from above. Not my photo.


    At last the most iconic monument of all on 'Mort Homme'.



    Worth a visit.

    Cheers Paul

    Sorry if you had to twist your neck.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Verdun   Verdun  


  2. #2


    Cheers for the tour Paul Thank You.

  3. #3


    Great photos.
    Thanks for sharing them.
    Live to ride -- Ride to live

    I was addicted to the "Hokey-Pokey" but I've turned
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  4. #4
    MAP is offline


    Great photos.

    But have you tried downloading them to your PC, rotating, making a small edit and then uploading.

    Photos like this really deserve to be seen correctly?
    "Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated

    My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them

    "Don't tell me these are investments if you never intend to sell anything" (Quote: Wife)

  5. #5


    Fantastic pictures. Thank you for sharing and taking us along on your journey!



  6. #6


    Went to Verdun, Somme and Passchendaele last year, and it is a superb trip.

    Great pictures.

  7. #7


    I'd like to visit one day. Thanks for sharing.

  8. #8


    a great subect.

  9. #9


    Great photo's... I went to Verdun with my regiment in 1969 and then again in 1970, you cannot help but be moved by what you see. Back then, many of the trees were draped with belts, helmets, and other equipment which had been taken out of the ground and upwards as the trees grew. The ground was so badly scarred that it was impossible to return it to agriculture and they planted masses of trees over the battlefield. I remember looking into the cellars beneath the Ossuaire de Douaumont at all the human bones recovered from the battlefield, some with boots on. At that time there used to be a chaplain employed to tour the battlefields and look for signs of digging by wild boars, apparently they had a taste for human bones... and this helped in locating human remains. On the day of our regiments visit a tableau of three bodies were found... a stretcher with casualty, and the two bearers - all of whom failed to reach safety.

    A useful tip for you when posting pictures...crop them so that they are slightly wider than they are tall.


  10. #10


    I am hoping to get over in September for a couple of days

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