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The Vimoutiers Tiger - a history

Article about: by lebus12 On the first picture, it's me!(This picture is mine, but one time on the web, it's finished!) In the 60's-70's, I was every month in the Falaise pocket! Thank you Lebus for provid

  1. #21


    Quote by lebus12 View Post
    On the first picture, it's me!(This picture is mine, but one time on the web, it's finished!)
    In the 60's-70's, I was every month in the Falaise pocket!
    Thank you Lebus for providing us all with the BEST 'in situ' photo of the Vimoutiers Tiger!!!
    And I love the map case you have in the photo too - taken in the 1960's??????
    Last edited by Danmark; 03-02-2021 at 09:59 PM.
    " I'm putting off procrastination until next week "

  2. #22


    A previous thread

    Tigre in Vimoutiers

    I was there 3 days ago and it hadn't had it's repaint but is still an iconic beast !!

  3. #23


    Thanks for the link Paul!
    I knew of ( & had commented on ) this thread and didn't want to double up however the intent was to try to cover the whole chronology of what many have already said is one of the most striking pieces of the war.
    " I'm putting off procrastination until next week "

  4. #24


    On a slightly more serious note than my previous post, here a few close-up detail pics ( taken Autumn 2007 ) which may interest members here.....

    The Vimoutiers Tiger - a history

    The Vimoutiers Tiger - a history

    The Vimoutiers Tiger - a history

    The Vimoutiers Tiger - a history

    The Vimoutiers Tiger - a history

  5. #25


    Yes, at the end of the 60's, it was my road between Falaise to Paris, the "little road to Paris" with some shops with good militaria, scrap dealers.
    The olny use of the tank was during elections, so people put "Yes" or "NO" on the turret...
    Now, there is a problem with it : to put the tank in a shelter, to repare it...It's a lot of money for the town.
    The best Militaria forum in France is here : http://deutsch-militaria.forumactif.us/

  6. #26


    I was there in 2011, that's me standing beside the Tiger, with Phils dog Vimy in the foreground, and the bald guy is Phillippe G. From Normandy, a well known tour guide that tryed to put a Canadian Museum in Crulley (?) but was shot down for his efforts, he got so upset about that, he sold he vast Canadian D-Day Collection and moved to Croatia a couple of years ago .

    Dean O
    Ajax Canada

    The Vimoutiers Tiger - a historyThe Vimoutiers Tiger - a historyThe Vimoutiers Tiger - a historyThe Vimoutiers Tiger - a historyThe Vimoutiers Tiger - a historyThe Vimoutiers Tiger - a history

  7. #27


    Thanks Dan, a very interesting thread. As said above it needs a more convincing camo paint job!...

  8. #28


    Here is the "NON", "NO" to a referendum !
    The best Militaria forum in France is here : http://deutsch-militaria.forumactif.us/

  9. #29


    NON!!! ........ or the Tiger will blast fire. That would get your attention!!
    " I'm putting off procrastination until next week "

  10. #30


    The welding of Alain recorded for posterity !!

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