I went there recently, the tank is now fenced off. I was disappointed to see the tank is well outside of the village of Vimoutiers, yet, I, as a tourist, drove two hours to see it, and I'm sure lots of others do as well. From a strictly tourism/economic point of view, this tank could earn the local economy 1000s of Euros a year. And yet, there it sits, gently rusting away in piece - on reflection it actually adds to the authenticity and impressiveness this piece when you see it. Compared to all the tourist tat you get at places like St Mere Eglise and Pegasus Bridge.
Still, it is also sad to see this great beast neglected in the way it is.
I think at the bottom of this, the French genuinely feel conflicted on how to maintain/promote the German infrastructure and equipment they have from WW2 (take also the U-Boat pens at St Nazaire, there the sub on display is a French 50s one, and the pens themselves lack any real info on the war-time use for which they were built). On the one hand, these things bring in tourists and revenue, on the other they are a reminder of defeat and occupation, whereas anything to do with D Day/the Liberation gets lavishly promoted and looked after (esp US stuff over anything GB!).
Anyway, some pics of the tank from the recent visit....