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WW2 British Soldier KIA identified 64 years on

Article about: Soldier killed in World War Two finally laid to rest after being identified by his crooked teeth | Mail Online A great story! I have been to Overloon several times and I must have seen his f

  1. #1

    Default WW2 British Soldier KIA identified 64 years on

    Soldier killed in World War Two finally laid to rest after being identified by his crooked teeth | Mail Online

    A great story! I have been to Overloon several times and I must have seen his former grave.

    Cheers, Ade.

  2. #2

    Default Re: WW2 British Soldier KIA identified 64 years on

    The process which led to his being identified must have been very complex to be based on his dental records alone - makes you wonder how many "missing men" might have in "the frame" as potential "names" to begin with and how each would have to have been "eliminated" from the search process.

    Having seen the care which the Dutch take of our war graves , in making them theirs these poor lads are in good hands.

  3. #3

    Default Re: WW2 British Soldier KIA identified 64 years on

    Awesome story Ade , im always a bit happier when a fallen soldier has been found and identified , the thrill that there loved one has been found must be great for the soldiers family, cheers Raymond

  4. #4

    Default Re: WW2 British Soldier KIA identified 64 years on

    Great news. It is always good to see reports like this, I'm glad that his family will finally have proper closure.

    Thanks for the link, Ade.

  5. #5

    Default Re: WW2 British Soldier KIA identified 64 years on

    this will bring closure for wats left of his family at least he is with his mates again now so many that are found have no family left alive today its such a shame

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