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1st Canadian Parachute Battalion RAF MK Viii goggles and dog tags

Article about: We found Granddad's dog tags from WW2, and this pair of RAF MK viii goggles that were issued to the Canadians. I love these things, and I've been wearing them around the house, much to the d

  1. #1

    Default 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion RAF MK Viii goggles and dog tags

    We found Granddad's dog tags from WW2, and this pair of RAF MK viii goggles that were issued to the Canadians. I love these things, and I've been wearing them around the house, much to the displeasure of my daughter, lol! The lenses are clear as can be, I love them.1st Canadian Parachute Battalion RAF MK Viii goggles and dog tags1st Canadian Parachute Battalion RAF MK Viii goggles and dog tags1st Canadian Parachute Battalion RAF MK Viii goggles and dog tags1st Canadian Parachute Battalion RAF MK Viii goggles and dog tags

  2. #2


    The goggles are probably civilian purchased items for a motorcyclist, as the RAF goggles had blue painted frames and a different coloured elastic.


  3. #3


    I appreciate that, thanks Steve. We've been trying to sort through all of his things and figure out what's what. That definitely helps, so thank you!

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