Hi Guys, this was one of several new items of kit developed by the Parachute Regiment. It was designed to carry four 2 inch mortar bombs. It seems to have had a very limited service life and perhaps never got to be used in action? I think it got replaced by the much larger and versatile kit bag in 1944.
The idea being this item was it was strapped to the wearers leg by two straps. After exiting from the aircraft, and the parachute being safely deployed, the paratrooper pulled a rope line which released a quick release pin which then allowed the valise to drop away and dangle on a line beneath the Paratrooper. This line was secured to the parachute harness. The valise would then hit the ground first. The same principle was applied to the kit bag method of jumping. I am privileged to have known many of the men who actually developed this system which is still used today.
The quick release straps and pin and line have been removed from this otherwise mint unissued example which is dated 1943. This was due to an order being issued to take off these useful parts to be used on the new kit bag.
Cheers, Ade