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Commando Bergen

Article about: A very worn and faded WWII era Bergen I beleive, it seems to match the construction of some period photos I have seen but unfortunately no identifying marks anywhere that I can find, it look

  1. #11


    For some time I've been thinking of adding one of these to the de Havilland Museum's Horsa glider display. Although they're famed for the 'commando' connection, these Bergens were issued to the Glider Pilot Regiment . After landing,the Glider Pilots were expected to fight wherever needed without immediate specific Regimental or Divisional support, and so needed to rely on their own 'kit'.

    Anyhow, I wanted one ! They turn up quite often on e-bay but are often priced in the £100-£200 range. This one was listed very fairly as being 'poor condition' but repairable,and is the earlier tan-coloured version. It was very reasonably priced and on arrival, despite being utterly filthy, is actually much better condition than I expected - a missing strap and drawstring and a couple of small holes. A quick scrub with warm, soapy water and this morning it's dried out nicely. I can now continue working on it at leisure before adding it to a corner of a genuine Horsa cockpit......

    Commando Bergen

  2. #12


    As promised, here it is.....tidied up and placed on the co-pilot's seat - plus a pic of one being carried across an Arnhem DZ by a GPR pilot......

    Commando Bergen

    Commando Bergen
    Last edited by Martin Bull; 11-26-2023 at 09:46 PM.

  3. #13


    Pattern 42 Bergen Rucksack
    1941 trial Tan zip on the front pocket
    1941 Tan
    1942 Tan
    1943 Pea green rubberized interior tan webbing
    1944 Dark green rubberized interior tan webbing
    1944 Dark green rubberized interior tan webbing
    Post War Dark green green webbing 1951 or later
    1966 & 67 Australia Aussie Green tan webbing NSN 8465-66-017-8435

  4. #14


    Well another Bergen thread just blew that out of the water. The above is the packs I've identified so far but I just seen pix of a 1941 Pea Green.

  5. #15

    Thumbs up

    Thanks for the info, Recon ! Trying to unravel the 'Bergen' story isn't easy......

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