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Escape and Evasion / Survival aids - Silk maps and Escape Compasses + more!

Article about: Very neat addition to your collection, fine maps indeed. All you need to find is a slight variation and then it is impossible to part with! I will be posting a very rare MI-9 German Identity

  1. #521


    It certainly is the most perplexing map.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Escape and Evasion / Survival aids - Silk maps and Escape Compasses + more!  

  2. #522


    Another example of a blue aerogramme map covering Northern Norway.
    Bartholomew maps of Norway are rare in their own right, however, to find one on aerogramme paper is rarer still.
    Apparently there was only a small print run of 5000 of sheet F and G on silk, the numbers for aerogramme maps is not known.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Escape and Evasion / Survival aids - Silk maps and Escape Compasses + more!   Escape and Evasion / Survival aids - Silk maps and Escape Compasses + more!  

    Escape and Evasion / Survival aids - Silk maps and Escape Compasses + more!   Escape and Evasion / Survival aids - Silk maps and Escape Compasses + more!  

    Escape and Evasion / Survival aids - Silk maps and Escape Compasses + more!   Escape and Evasion / Survival aids - Silk maps and Escape Compasses + more!  

    Escape and Evasion / Survival aids - Silk maps and Escape Compasses + more!   Escape and Evasion / Survival aids - Silk maps and Escape Compasses + more!  

    Escape and Evasion / Survival aids - Silk maps and Escape Compasses + more!  

  3. #523


    A 43 Series Escape map (I think Sheet F and G) that has turned into a tie! I don’t think I’m quite sad enough (yet) to wear it
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Escape and Evasion / Survival aids - Silk maps and Escape Compasses + more!   Escape and Evasion / Survival aids - Silk maps and Escape Compasses + more!  

    Escape and Evasion / Survival aids - Silk maps and Escape Compasses + more!  

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