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MP Shoulder titles rare?

Article about: Picked up these last weekend and have been told the MP titles are hard to find is this true , they came in with the Airborne badges so would they be Airborne Military Police ? thank you for

  1. #1

    Default MP Shoulder titles rare?

    Picked up these last weekend and have been told the MP titles are hard to find is this true , they came in with the Airborne badges so would they be Airborne Military Police ? thank you for any help as i cant find any info on them
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture MP Shoulder titles rare?   MP Shoulder titles rare?  

    MP Shoulder titles rare?   MP Shoulder titles rare?  

    MP Shoulder titles rare?  

  2. #2


    Could the MP titles be ww1 ?

  3. #3


    According to Alan Locke's book on airborne insignia these were indeed worn by airborne MP's.

  4. #4


    Thank you LucN nice to know

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