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Rifle Drop Valise

Article about: Not knowing too much about British gear, what can you tell me about this? I think I understand the 44th AB ( Indian) and REME but don't quite understand the 'work shop (?)....Are these aroun

  1. #1

    Default Rifle Drop Valise

    Not knowing too much about British gear, what can you tell me about this? I think I understand the 44th AB ( Indian) and REME but don't quite understand the 'work shop (?)....Are these around or is this a somewhat rare piece?

    Regards Steve T

  2. #2

    Default re: Rifle Drop Valise

    Hi Steve, these are not common by any means. Nice example.

    They even fake these now.

    Cheers, Ade.

  3. #3

    Default re: Rifle Drop Valise

    The lettering simply means 44th. Airborne worksshop REME.TA Nothing to do with the 44 Indian airborne. There was no TA units in the Indian Army. John.

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