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When did the Trousers Parachutist stopped being issued ?

Article about: Ok .. A question on the British parachutist trousers. Obviously used during and slightly post WW2, .... But when were they officially last issued ? .. Or what has been the latest date seen i

  1. #1

    Default When did the Trousers Parachutist stopped being issued ?

    Ok .. A question on the British parachutist trousers.

    Obviously used during and slightly post WW2, .... But when were they officially last issued ?

    .. Or what has been the latest date seen in a genuine issued set ?


    Gary J.

  2. #2

    Default Re: When did the Trousers Parachutist stopped being issued ?

    Hi Gary, this is a good question and one I wish I could answer with any kind of authority.

    The latest date I have seen on a pair of trousers is 1945. I suspect that contracts for these did not continue much into the post war period? Research needs to be done here. No doubt all the original makers went out of business long ago. (Who can list all of these?) The only hope is some contract paperwork might survive within the National Archives. The other paperwork we need to see is that regarding when these became obsolete.

    Known original makers:

    Henry Brown (Clothiers) Ltd, Middlesbrough. Most (if not all?) seem to be 1943 dated.

    John Hammond & Co (1922) Ltd.
    I have seen 1945 dated examples by this Company.

    Fake fantasy marking used by Pegasus Militaria:

    HJN & Co 1942

    These trousers were never universal issue with the Airborne Forces. There never seemed to be enough to go around. You can see some units wearing them while others do not. Even men from the same unit can be seen wearing a mixture of these and standard issue BD trousers. Was this shortage due to only one maker, Brown's being employed mid war? Was the later contract with Hammond's an attempt to redress the situation?

    Again I can only suspect that these were issued until stocks were more or less exhausted. I do know that some were sold as surplus though post war, but when exactly I do not know? A friend of mine owns two pairs. The story behind these was that a land owner bought a supply of these trousers as surplus and issued these as work wear to his gamekeepers. My friend obtained his from the estate.

    Cheers, Ade.

  3. #3

    Default Re: When did the Trousers Parachutist stopped being issued ?

    I have done a little digging concerning the two makers which I know of. Both have gone out of business, so no real surprise there.

    HENRY BROWN (CLOTHIERS) LIMITED information filed as at Friday 1st January 2010. Registered number 00303199

    I cannot find much Company info, but it appears that Hammond's were based in Newcastle, Staffs and had contracts with the Air Ministry in the 1930's.

    Cheers, Ade.

  4. #4

    Default Re: When did the Trousers Parachutist stopped being issued ?

    As ever, .. A very detailed reply !!! Cheers Ade.

    I think the idea of "special" trousers just fell by the wayside straight after WW2, .. more than likely a very easy financial cutback .. one amongst many in the early postwar years.


    Gary J.

  5. #5

    Default Re: When did the Trousers Parachutist stopped being issued ?

    Garry, Ade,
    They sure have been made until 1945.
    I saw one years ago with the white lining instead of the shammy leather and a label dated 1944.

    Another maker is Montagno Morton Leeds, I've seen two of this maker, both dated 1942.

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture When did the Trousers Parachutist stopped being issued ?  

  6. #6

    Default Re: When did the Trousers Parachutist stopped being issued ?

    The white lining.
    It's the only difference with a shammy leather pair of trousers.
    (also the side pockets have the white lining).
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture When did the Trousers Parachutist stopped being issued ?   When did the Trousers Parachutist stopped being issued ?  

  7. #7

    Default Re: When did the Trousers Parachutist stopped being issued ?

    Hi Marc, thanks for the extra info. Superb trousers!

    Cheers, Ade.

  8. #8

    Default Re: When did the Trousers Parachutist stopped being issued ?

    Quote by marc b View Post
    The white lining.
    It's the only difference with a shammy leather pair of trousers.
    (also the side pockets have the white lining).

    hello marc b,

    am I to understand that the 1942 label is attached to the trousers that have the heavy white canvas linings to the pockets ?

  9. #9

    Default Re: When did the Trousers Parachutist stopped being issued ?

    Quote by prosty zolnierz View Post
    hello marc b,

    am I to understand that the 1942 label is attached to the trousers that have the heavy white canvas linings to the pockets ?
    The 1942 label is attached to a "normal" pair of trousers, one with the shammy leather.
    The one with the white lining has no label anymore.
    I have seen one with a label dated 1944 years ago, but I don't think they made them (with the white lining) before 1944.


  10. #10

    Default Re: When did the Trousers Parachutist stopped being issued ?

    we need to find the bloke who changed the spec. from chamois leather to canvas. logical step though. why go to unnecessary expense when something cheaper does just as good a job. a friend of mine joined the Parachute Regiment as a boy entrant in 1960 eventually ending up in 3 Para. they were issued for fatigues WW2 BD which included " Trousers, Parachutist " with white canvas lined pockets. they had a " soft " side to the material which at first glance appeared to be chamois leather. here endeth the lesson.

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