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WW2 British Army Parachute Regiment Cap Badges

Article about: I have had these cap badges in my collection for some time and have always been curious about their authenticity. I collect German and US items from WW2 and sadly have only a limited knowled

  1. #1

    Default WW2 British Army Parachute Regiment Cap Badges

    I have had these cap badges in my collection for some time and have always been curious about their authenticity. I collect German and US items from WW2 and sadly have only a limited knowledge of their British counterparts.

    Each badge appears to be made from "white metal" and measures slightly over 2.5" in length. The lugs holding each badge's pin look similar to genuine examples I have searched out online as does the details of the parachute rope. The inner feathers of each pair of wings appear to be curved and not straight. Each badge's crown has distinctive cutouts. One of the badges does have a mild "mold mark" / line that is barely noticeable on the upper left wing, I understand that this is a telling area for reproductions. No maker's mark or identifying stamps of any kind can be detected on either badge.

    I would greatly appreciate any observations or thoughts you would be willing to share about this pair of badges and look forward to solving the mystery once and for all!
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture WW2 British Army Parachute Regiment Cap Badges   WW2 British Army Parachute Regiment Cap Badges  

    WW2 British Army Parachute Regiment Cap Badges   WW2 British Army Parachute Regiment Cap Badges  

    WW2 British Army Parachute Regiment Cap Badges   WW2 British Army Parachute Regiment Cap Badges  

    WW2 British Army Parachute Regiment Cap Badges   WW2 British Army Parachute Regiment Cap Badges  

    WW2 British Army Parachute Regiment Cap Badges   WW2 British Army Parachute Regiment Cap Badges  

    WW2 British Army Parachute Regiment Cap Badges  

  2. #2


    Both appear to be OK.


  3. #3
    DAI is online now


    Hello Komet 45
    Many thanks for the information and photos i do not at this moment have this para badge or the knowledge to pass opinions i will if i do obtain this para badge post more photos and measurements for you once again many thanks for your time and help best wishes DAI

  4. #4
    DAI is online now


    Hello Harry the Mole
    Many thanks for info about para badge its one badge i would very much like for my small collection of British cap badges
    Best Wishes DAI

  5. #5


    Steve - Thank you for your quick response, very pleased to know these badges are genuine and happy to have them in my collection!

  6. #6


    Both good, early examples with fretted crowns and nickel plating


    Whatever its just an opinion.

  7. #7


    I agree with both Steve and Jerry.
    These are not the rarest of badges (that's not to say they are particularly common, just not a "Unicorn") but for some reason they are disproportionately faked. The Kings Crown version was of course the WWII version and whilst the slider version appeared still within the KC period the lugged version continued in tandem. So a lugged version can be post war but a slider version will always be post war.

    A QC version was produced prior to the introduction of anodised aluminium badges and they are quite hard to come by as most, being preferred by serving soldiers to the nasty aluminium badges were jealously retained in use and in many case Worn out" through polishing. This likely is the main cause of the PRI private purchase items coming to be.
    The anodised badges were initially made with a slider but a lugged version soon followed and is the format of the current "new metal" type. A black "subdued" version exists and appears in Firmin company packaging but this is an unauthorised badge marketed as a private purchase item. Those well enough informed will note that the Nato Stock Number of the packaging of the black badges is the same as the shiny silver version.

    There is also an issued silver plated version for Officers as well as the more expensive private purchase hallmarked silver items (which typically start at three figures upwards!). Surprisingly, there is no regulation to prevent such a high end badge being worn by a private soldier of sufficient means and motivation. There would only be the fact that it was not an issued item and it would be a very mean
    spirited individual who would object to such a level of regimental pride!

    All in all this is a very interesting series of of badges for such a relatively "young" regiment

    However, back to the top of the thread, yours are nice original examples.


    "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing he cares more about than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature with no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

  8. #8


    Mark & Jerry - Thank you both for your kind and informative replies, I really appreciate the information shared. Will be on the lookout for a QC badge to add to the collection!

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