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10-67 Oxygen Mask

Article about: Got a 10-67 oxygen mask recently. As many of you know already, it is 'refurbished' one with repro straps and clip. However, the hose itself is still supple with no cracking/hardening and dis

  1. #1

    Default 10-67 Oxygen Mask

    Got a 10-67 oxygen mask recently. As many of you know already, it is 'refurbished' one with repro straps and clip. However, the hose itself is still supple with no cracking/hardening and displays well.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture 10-67 Oxygen Mask   10-67 Oxygen Mask  

    10-67 Oxygen Mask  

  2. #2


    a great display you have got.

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