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Arado AR196 Floatplane Color Photo.

Article about: Found this while randomly looking up pictures of weird aircraft.i hope that the pic works if not tell me ill put up a link.

  1. #1

    Default Arado AR196 Floatplane Color Photo.

    Found this while randomly looking up pictures of weird aircraft.i hope that the pic works if not tell me ill put up a link.

  2. #2

    Default re: Arado AR196 Floatplane Color Photo.

    Cool pic. Thanks. It really is one wierd plane.

  3. #3

  4. #4

    Default re: Arado AR196 Floatplane Color Photo.

    This photo was taken in norway.The Arado was the standard recon aircraft on all german battle wagons during ww2.Regards,Ned.

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