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Heinkel 115 salvage

Article about: The wine bottle is superb-it even still has it's opener attached! Nice!

  1. #1

    Default Heinkel 115 salvage

    On the 2 of june we finaly managed to salvage this beautiful airplane from 47m depth in Haffersfjord in Norway
    The plane was untouched by others before we did the first dive in 2005 and since then we have done more than 80 dives preparing the salvage.
    And what a plane
    Working in 1-2m wiz you could not get the full overwiev of the sise.
    but when rised we could se the size
    .Heinkel 115 salvage
    Relaxing on the wing after mud removing
    Heinkel 115 salvage
    Nice cat in front of the mg17 aftfiring gun.
    Heinkel 115 salvage
    Me with the rear MG15 gun.
    Pictures above borrowed from the internett since I was buissy recovering the plane
    Heinkel 115 salvage
    Plane almost airborne again after 69,5 years in the mud.

    The plane is to be displayed at the Sola airplane museum.
    Tor Arthur

  2. #2

    Default Re: Heinkel 115 salvage

    Great work! I love the cat

  3. #3

    Default Re: Heinkel 115 salvage


    - - Updated - -


  4. #4

    Default Re: Heinkel 115 salvage

    Looks like a good day at the office!! thanks for sharing.. Terry.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Heinkel 115 salvage

    Definitely a tomcat! haha
    Outstanding work. Please keep us updated on this project. I really enjoy reading about things like this!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Heinkel 115 salvage

    Love it!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Heinkel 115 salvage

    Now the airplane is dissasambeled and put into the freshwatertank buildt for it :-)
    Heinkel 115 salvage
    plane in watertank

    Heinkel 115 salvage
    Engine before cleaning

    Heinkel 115 salvage
    Engine after cleaning

    Heinkel 115 salvage
    conecting rods. the block was magnesium and is gone.

    Heinkel 115 salvage
    paper marking from tape roll

    Last edited by McGyver; 06-09-2012 at 11:05 AM.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Heinkel 115 salvage

    That is the best war relic I have seen for a long time ! Great work


  9. #9

    Default Re: Heinkel 115 salvage

    Why the freshwater tank ??? excellent going mind keep us posted!! Cheers Terry.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Heinkel 115 salvage

    Freshwater to get the salt and minerals our of the aluminium before it is dried.
    to stop the corrotion between the plates and rivets.
    and a oxygen scavanger will be added to stop new corrotion forming during the prosess.
    Salt and minerals have broken down alot of things from the sea that have not been treated corectly...

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