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Name This Plane....14

Article about: What is the name of this one ?

  1. #1

    Default Name This Plane....14

    What is the name of this one ?
    Attached Images Attached Images Name This Plane....14 

  2. #2

    Default Re: Name This Plane....14

    It's an XP-40Q Warhawk.

    Modified from a standard P-40, the "razorback" was removed, and the bubble canopy installed. More here.


  3. #3

    Default Re: Name This Plane....14

    You got it,sure looks different doesn`t it.....Zwerge

  4. #4

    Default Re: Name This Plane....14

    VERY different!

    My initial thoughts was a P-40 derivative (though I was thinking either a modified 'N' or 'Q' model), so I googled the serial no. to confirm. That's when I found the page I linked to!

    Thanks Zwerge, and... NEXT!


  5. #5

    Default Re: Name This Plane....14

    To me it looked more like a spitfire MK XIV, but without the griffon engine.

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