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Plane part?

Article about: Hello, I found this in a field in southern Germany. Can this be a Part of a Plane of WW2?

  1. #1

    Default Plane part?

    Hello, I found this in a field in southern Germany.
    Can this be a Part of a Plane of WW2?
    Plane part?
    Plane part?
    Plane part?

  2. #2


    Are there any numbers or stampings on it? I can see some numbers, what does it say?


  3. #3


    Yes, there are some numbers on the part, which also leads me to believe that it is not from the tractor.(-:

    The numbers you can see on the first pictures are probably part of a scale. I assume they are angles.
    Without scratching the part any further, there is a plaque with a number and even the locking screw on the ball head is labeled.
    The bubblelevel in the background is also interesting.

    Plane part?
    Plane part?

  4. #4


    Looks more to me to be part of a tripod fitted optic or maybe a aiming circle ?

  5. #5



    That marking does not remind me of any Luftwaffe aircraft parts marking


  6. #6


    I think that's a good tip!
    To me the part seems a bit too heavy for an airplane part. It is made of solid brass.
    The tripod idea made me think of a theodelite for land surveying.
    I haven't found a suitable link on the net yet, but there's a lot to be said for the bubble level and the ball head.

    Thanks and sorry for the confusion. The part was a few kilometers from the crash site of a B24.

  7. #7


    I don't think it's from an aircraft. A soak in petrol for a day or two might clean the crud off it instead of trying to brush it clean. Part of a sighting tripod is a good call by Kradman.

  8. #8
    DAI is online now


    Hello Virgule
    found this photo of inside of B24 Liberator the little regulator bottom right could stand a chance ?
    All the best
    DAIPlane part?

  9. #9



    But I don't think it's my part. I'm now pretty sure that it's a device for surveying land.

  10. #10


    I have relocated this posting to the AIRCRAFT section as the area it was in was for Airborne and Special Forces items not aircraft parts.


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