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Luftwaffe FW190 discovered in forest near St Petersburg

Article about: Not sure if this is the appropriate place, please remove if not - or if already posted. Thought it may be of interest.. Previously unexplored forest

  1. #1

    Default Luftwaffe FW190 discovered in forest near St Petersburg

    Not sure if this is the appropriate place, please remove if not - or if already posted.

    Thought it may be of interest..

    Previously unexplored forest

  2. #2

    Default Re: Luftwaffe FW190 discovered in forest near St Petersburg

    I did see it before just unbeliveble that i just lay there and stil in a pritty good condition i like it

  3. #3

    Default Re: Luftwaffe FW190 discovered in forest near St Petersburg

    Hi justlookin

    Seen this vid a few times before as well. I believe they are restoring it in the United Kingdom at the moment...


    Nick VR

  4. #4

    Default Re: Luftwaffe FW190 discovered in forest near St Petersburg

  5. #5

    Default Re: Luftwaffe FW190 discovered in forest near St Petersburg

    There are more vids here-

    Videos and Photos of Army Special Ops, Navy SEALs, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard in Action - Shock and Awe - Military.com

    This is a website from the US. I have narrowed them down by searching for WWII.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Luftwaffe FW190 discovered in forest near St Petersburg

    Hi Phil, re the pilot:

    The pilot Feldwebel Paul Rätz survived the crash landed behind enemy lines. He removed his leather flying helmet and retrieved the first air kit from the rear fuselage and is thought to have headed West back to the front line only a dozen or so miles from the crash site. He was undoubtedly captured by the Russians and interned although the Luftwaffe loss report still class him as 'Vermißt' (missing) in action.

    Cheers, Ade.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Luftwaffe FW190 discovered in forest near St Petersburg

    Hi Phil, call me anytime.

    Cheers, Ade.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Luftwaffe FW190 discovered in forest near St Petersburg

    He was held as a Prisoner Of War until the mid 50's. He died litterally about 2 months before this plane was found. This video dates back to 1989 when in was found by relic hunters. It was recovered in 1990 and is in the UK having the finishing touches put to it.

    I believe it is owned by an Air Museum in Los Angeles. The most likely reason for this being unmolested is because of it's remote location and I would imagine the penalty for having any Nazi relics in Soviet Russia would've been quite severe! As well as the forest giving it some (albeit minor) cover from the elements.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Luftwaffe FW190 discovered in forest near St Petersburg

    I heard that some of the peoples get lost their lifes being deal with that plane due of problems with mafia in the beginning of 90's in Russia

    my Skype: warrelics

  10. #10

    Default Re: Luftwaffe FW190 discovered in forest near St Petersburg

    It looked to be in remarkably good shape. Good landing,any landing you can walk away from is a good one!
    I hope they get it up and flying. There are not enough air worthy WW2 planes as it is. A lot of static ones. The more they can get up there,the better.

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