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Panther tank recovered by Army

Article about: Has anyone seen this?? A 78 year old pensioner in Germany had some items squirreled away on his property including an intact Panther. The tank has been seized along with an anti-tank gun and

  1. #51


    No, nothing....

    The Tank is stored in the Militarycamp Putlos…

    Panzer-Fall in Heikendorf: Termin am Landgericht steht noch immer nicht

  2. #52


    It seems the process began....

  3. #53

  4. #54

  5. #55


    Yup saw it on national 9's 4pm news! Crap & Bugger!

  6. #56


    The officials never have a sense of humour. He should refuse to pay of course.

  7. #57

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