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Relic digging - warning GRAPHIC!

Article about: I used to watch DDDs videos in awe as well. Sadly, rumour has it he passed on. Cant vouch for it being true though.

  1. #1

    Default Relic digging - warning GRAPHIC!

    Relic digging. Amongst others a DKW - a find much talked about in vintage bike circles. Loads of weapons but also some human remains, so some caution in viewing is advised.
    ÐŸÐ¾Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð¸Ñ‚ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ½Ñ Ðµ находки Второй Мировой Войны! Part 1 - YouTube

  2. #2


    seen this before,but thanks.

  3. #3


    Good link Scout.

    I was pleasantly surprised at the condition of the majority of finds on that vid'.

    Some of those weapons look as though they would be perfectly seviceable after they have had a strip down and clean,
    I also hope that the remains were appropriately re-interred.

    Regards etc
    Ian D

    AKA: Jimpy

  4. #4



  5. #5


    The RKKF items in 00:17 are incredibly well preserved. I hope the items in the videos are left as they are and not been ruined by trying to ''preserve'' them.

  6. #6


    Great Scout. Thoroughly enjoyed viewing all those great items. Condition surprised me too. Again thanks for the post.

  7. #7


    Yeah, I watched this a few months ago and was stunned! Not just by all the great weapons found but rather the well preserved soldat pulled from the Mud/bog. Also the leather, cloth and such. There's another video by the same guys that show them pulling a large metal box out of the ground. When they opened it there was a complete officers uniform with M/43 cap in near mint condition! Also gold ring, and full box of cigars that aware sown in this video in the OP.

  8. #8


    Dean...I saw the same video...if you guys care to look...there are amazing videos on youtube of third reich tanks and airplanes being pulled out of the ocean and peat bogs. Just hose down the tank and roll it away. Enjoy!

  9. #9


    Hehe..yeah Anzel. I know what you mean. When I'm not on WRF around 18 hours a day, I'm usually browsing videos like these. Makes me jealous of our euro/ Eastern euro friends.
    Oh! I almost forgot! You guys need to check out the new Oliver Stone series : Untold history of the United States, on YouTube. it has to do with history and ww2. It's extremely well made and very much worth watching!

  10. #10


    What the H--- The finds of these guys are simply mind blowing. Does anyone know where eastern Europe they are digging? I don't think I've seen mountains of equipment and guns being dug up like this since first viewing the DirtyDiverDiver vids... that chest with the uniform and belongings was just amazing, JUST like it was when abandoned way back then!
    A good amount of fallen soldiers recovered as well, from some of the shots it would seem as if they are maybe working with some official group or something.

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