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Reich Chancellery marble

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  1. #21

    Default Re: Reich Chancellery marble

    I know where you can find ton's of marble.The subway station in Moscow ,the walls are lined with it. War booty

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  3. #22

    Default Re: Reich Chancellery marble

    Quote by danno81 View Post
    Hi - are these the items you are seeking? I found the piece of the marble tile from the Mosaic Hall from the Chancellery at this site:


    I don't know if the dealer can obtain more, but he did have numerous pieces in the past. The marble was signed on the base by Ray and Josephine Cowdery who published a wonderful book on the Chancellery - titled "The New German Reichschancellery in Berlin 1938-1945. They had done extensive research into this site. The tiles as mentioned below are also shown in this book, p 110. Across from the site of the former Chancellery is the Mohrenstrasse subway station - if you go there the entire place is lined with this bright red marble as shown in the photos. The Soviets put the materials to use in Berlin.

    The tile came from the Kitchen area of the Chancellery, and those were years ago listed on eBay. The remaining ones are now on sale at:

    unique original tiles from Adolf Hitler's Reichskanzlei New Reichschancellery

    Likewise, if you decide to venture to Berlin, there are numerous spots to find "pieces" of history about... I was fortunate enough to have been there shortly after they blew-up the Berlin Fuhrer Bunker - and picked up a few pieces of the rebar from it. Today unfortunately, it is a parking lot and a park surrounded by apartments, there isn't much to find. But in other areas, it is just the opposite.

    Good luck!

    Attachment 309824Attachment 309825Attachment 309826Attachment 309827
    G'day mate, that is exactly the sort of thing I was after, I have just sent off an email to usmbooks so hopefully I might get lucky! I had already seen the tiles from the kitchen in the chancellery but I thought they were way overpriced for what they were - a small piece of broken tile that could have come from anywhere.

    I would love to visit Berlin to collect a few bits for myself but unfortunately it is a long way from where I am to Germany, maybe one day, I hope!

  4. #23

    Default Re: Reich Chancellery marble

    Quote by operaman View Post
    I know where you can find ton's of marble.The subway station in Moscow ,the walls are lined with it. War booty
    Moscow is even further away than Berlin, and I don't think I own the right sort of clothing to suit the climate for a visit to Moscow! lol

  5. #24

    Default Re: Reich Chancellery marble

    Personally, unless I knew the dealer on an advanced level, i.e. with a great deal of trust built up over the years, I would never even consider buying something like a piece of marble tile. It is just so easy to palm anything off nowadays, and frankly not worth the risk. As a display piece, I would agree that it could be incorporated into a rather attractive display, but I would want to take it from the site myself if possible. For you Dave, as you have explained, that is not a feasible option, but still, I wouldn't spend any money on something that could just as well come from anywhere.



  6. #25

    Default Re: Reich Chancellery marble

    G'day Carl,
    true mate, I saw some pieces of tile supposedly from the kitchen area of the chancellery and apart from being ridiculously expensive they could have come from any old kitchen anywhere. I don't know whether there would even be any pieces of it left lying on the ground in Berlin, I think it has pretty much all been cleaned away now from what I've read.

  7. #26

    Default Re: Reich Chancellery marble

    Hi Dave, yes mate, that's the problem. Any old kitchen tile will suffice for some unscrupulous sort out to make a quick buck.

  8. #27

    Default Re: Reich Chancellery marble

    Quote by davejb View Post
    little pieces of the bridge of Remagen are being sold from the museum of peace there for €20 , they measure about 2"x3", yet outside there are huge chunks of the bridge just laying there, i should have picked up one of the chunks and walked away, but it goes to show what people will sell to make a buck, but i dont think i would buy anything that i havent picked up from the actual place myself, its like having a bit of concrete with a bit of rebar through it and saying its from a command bunker on Omaha beach
    I actually have a small piece of rebar from pointe du hoc that I will never be able to sell for this very reason

  9. #28

    Default Re: Reich Chancellery marble

    I think there is a WalMart there now.Hitler would not be pleased.

  10. #29

    Default Re: Reich Chancellery marble

    Actually - Here is the Chancellery Site and what the former Fuhrer Bunker Site now isReich Chancellery marble

    and was
    Reich Chancellery marble

    There are still items around the Chancellery site that one can find "pieces of it - although not as it was back in 1989 - 90 when they were destroying the area. Below are several large chunks of it sitting around the former building's site.
    Reich Chancellery marble
    Reich Chancellery marble

    Here is an item I picked up in 1990... rebar from the actual Fuhrer Bunker. I grabbed a few pieces - it is under the signed postcard of hitler, now all in the display case. The pieces were literally lying all over from the destruction using explosives back in 90 and the early years of that decade. The signed photo of adolf has the full history and providence with it, and a spoon from the Berghof brought back to the States by Lt. Luhring of the 101st Abn when they occupied that site is in the case too. The two additional photos in the case to the right of the spoon with the woman who was shaking hitler's hand is the person who received the autograph back during the war.

    As mention above, if you find the right dealers, and in this case I have known the ones I bought the spoon and other signed item from for decades... you can still find some really cool items - however as mentioned, it is really tough to find these guys.
    Reich Chancellery marble

    With your interest in the pieces of history... here are a few items I have collected over the years. I enjoy these more than most things as when you get onsite, one can literally pickup pieces of history that is lying around all over the place in Europe.

    I would like to get to the South Pacific at some point, and see what is still there. You all have a wealth of materials and I have been fortunate enough to get a few things from Marine Salvagers from Japanese Warships that have surfaced.
    Reich Chancellery marbleReich Chancellery marbleReich Chancellery marbleReich Chancellery marble

    Here is where much of the marble from the Reichs Chancellery ended up - the Mohrenstrasse subway station
    Reich Chancellery marbleReich Chancellery marble

    Here is a piece of a part of a German Eagle that was picked up near Templehof during the Berlin Airlift by an Actual American Crew member I met once - he brought this home, and was selling off the few items he had.
    Reich Chancellery marble

    Keep looking as you will find the right person. The links I sent you I have had good luck with, but they were not the dealer I purchased the spoon and photo from. If I can help you out from over here in the states, I'll be glad to keep an eye out. There is still some really great stuff... but as with daggers, medals, and helmets - there is a lot of garbage being floated out here too.. and having just returned from the SOS, it becomes ever more evident that is more and more the case. Some really great materials were there at the show, but some very questionable items too... likewise, there is some outright junk. Like you though - the materials one can pick up from the sites are wonderful and as real as it gets.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Reich Chancellery marble  

  11. #30

    Default Re: Reich Chancellery marble

    Sort of like Pisces of the True Cross,eventually one will be able to build a bridge from Berlin to New

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