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Signatures on porcelain for SS

Article about: Hello I'm looking information about markings on porcalain for SS. For example on Victoria made porcelain signature is "Waffen SS" but on Bauscher production stamp is "SS Reich

  1. #1

    Default Signatures on porcelain for SS


    I'm looking information about markings on porcalain for SS.

    For example on Victoria made porcelain signature is "Waffen SS" but on Bauscher production stamp is "SS Reich".

    Do You know what is the difference? Maybe it's manufacturer decision?
    Help me please


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  3. #2

    Default Re: Signatures on porcelain for SS

    It might be due to the date of the items or the arm of the SS they were intended for. The Waffen SS did not exist until the war had started, so items from before then would not be marked Waffen SS.


    Whatever its just an opinion.

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