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Amazing beer mug

Article about: i white the history of this mug , i buy this item in Manions international and i white for you the description of the seller : 5.5 Heavy silver plated nickel silver stamped with Nazi eagle o

  1. #1

    Default Amazing beer mug

    i white the history of this mug , i buy this item in Manions international and i white for you the description of the seller :

    5.5 Heavy silver plated nickel silver stamped with Nazi eagle on front of body . content size engraved .50L side . Beautiful piece and very impressive . Highly polished but showing little wear use or age . Nice bell ring to finely made and has original frosted interior . Liberated by Capt Sterling Hill ( 1914-1978) was born and raised in northern Ohio and graduated from Ohio State University . He enlisted in the OCS in 1941 and went to North Africa in 1942 with the 37th Division. He then was transferred to the 82nd Airborne Division and jumped in the Italian campaign as an artillery officer . The vast majority of his unit was shot down in a tragic friendly fire incident in Sicily. Shortly thereafter , he was transferred to the 3rd Infantry Division and entered France with General Patton . He fought the remainder of the war with the 3rd , and received multiple Bronze Stars, and also a Silver Star for heroics in Germany " Towards the end of the war , he was attached to the 3 rd Infantry Division Headquarters. It was during this time that he took part in liberating a Schloss thathad been used by high ranking Nazis and higher command military personnal. Hidden away on the top shelf of an obscure closet in the schloss my Father discovered the silver items .Capt . Hill remained as part of the multi -national occupational force after the war " He was honorably discharged as a Major in 1946 and returned to Ohio , where he became very successful in the inssurance industry .HE WAS HONESTLY SURPRISED TO FIND THE CRATE OF SILVER WAITING FOR HIM IN A BARN ON HIS FAMILY FARM , nearly a yearsafter it had been shipped .

    the text made by seller of this item i only put in forum for history
    Last edited by Pierre N; 04-29-2009 at 02:25 AM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Amazing beer mug

    1e the age depend the metal and depend storage condition .2e Not used is not a sing for fake or repro all germang stock is not used 3e Manions are not the best reputation ! but i sell some good and some bad item .

    many big seller sell a very good item but sometime i sell scrap or fake for real stock ! i have 7 years 2 more item with the same patern of eagle one with the mark WELLNER and one with the mark ART KRUPP ! this mug is not a fake or repro !

  3. #3

    Default Re: Amazing beer mug

    this item come from the same lot sell by manions ! the the same men ! diff maker mark ! i remenber the lot have 6-or 8 mug
    Last edited by Pierre N; 04-29-2009 at 02:26 AM.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Amazing beer mug

    this example of Hitler mug made by Buckman ,but little age, hardly worn and no inscription, or dedication ,is not sign of fake
    Last edited by Pierre N; 04-29-2009 at 02:26 AM.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Amazing beer mug


    I have a difficult time with these pieces, not unlike you. Its a story attached to a seller that will carry many questionable pieces.

    The AH Mug by Bruckman is an accepted item I believe and looks proper, but the NSDAP is engraved. I do not have the tools or experience with these items like I do with others, but dinnerware and flatware make me very skittish.

    All I can say is, when I see a piece it either clicks or it doesn't. If I saw these I would keep walking no doubt. Maybe they are correct, I don't know. But it would appear that this is an area for many questionable pieces and it seems like they are all popping up now.

    A crazy market and people are just tossing money at it and posting pictures before and after purchase on the forums. But now I have a new standard. Would I sell these? No. Not unless I was shown the light with provenance and such.



  6. #6

    Default Re: Amazing beer mug

    Quote by PHILBROWN View Post
    thanks vid/kris, im pleased ive not embarresed myself, ive taken everything youve spoken about on different forums and learned from your knowledge, thanks. phil

    No need to feel embarrassed at all. This part of the market has a lot of gray area and sometimes pieces just do not look right. I see pieces recently that I have to sit and look at for a while before I structure my words. Unique items really. Engraving is tough, but if there is some provenance the buyer needs to look hard at that. I think we have to question everything, but not crush it if there is a possibility.

    Thank you and I hope the buyer is pleased with the items as in many cases that is all that matters. When you put items up such as this you invite scrutiny and rarely a clean cut answer.

    Thank you for your kind words.



  7. #7

    Default Re: Amazing beer mug

    Wow very nice..

  8. #8
    SS Ring Man

    Default Re: Amazing beer mug on target this market is up-side down and all in a big got to get there and get the BIG ITEM.Befor I know the full story,about an item and were it comes from.There one guy at the MAX that's so full of S--T about all the AH & EB stuff it just a fun day to see how many he plugs with his crap.READ,LOOK,LISTEN!!!!!!!

  9. #9


    Hi I just purchased these 2 items yesterday from the collection that I have been lucky enough to find my
    Wilhelm Frick's Large Deschler GPB ,Reichskanzlei tapestries, Goring 205 DR silver Bruckmann vase and lots of other top end items..I'm guessing Political use of some sort..appears to be a finger bowl and a 0.5 ltr Beer mug..
    Wellner and Krupp Berndorf , I'm always wary of such items but these look correct IMO.There is a documented item taken by a US Serviceman with this exact eagle taken from the possession of Baldur Von Schirachs bus
    With period photos and a letter of provenance
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Amazing beer mug   Amazing beer mug  

    Amazing beer mug   Amazing beer mug  

    Amazing beer mug   Amazing beer mug  

  10. #10


    Hi..I have been informed by a well known Australian collector that these 2 items are not Baldur Von Schirach related, they are Martin Bormann Reichskanzlei silverware which maybe makes sense now as this collection had a lot of Reichskanzlei related artefacts..
    Thank you Anthony Sammut for your information

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