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Book With Two Important Signatures

Article about: Rare discovery by an individual in Munich, met the gentleman through my cousin in Berlin. I subsequently purchased the item from him. This book was presented by war criminal Ernst Wilhelm Bo

  1. #1

    Default Book With Two Important Signatures

    Rare discovery by an individual in Munich, met the gentleman through my cousin in Berlin. I subsequently purchased the item from him.

    This book was presented by war criminal Ernst Wilhelm Bohle to Heinrich Himmler and was in H.H.'s personal library. Inside the book are following ink hand-written dedication by Bohle:

    "To the ReichsfĆ¼hrer SS, Pg. Heinrich Himmler in cordial comradeship, on September 1936." Below the dedication is the original signature by Bohle and the short hand signature by Heinrich Himmler, made with an green pencil. Himmler very often signed with his short hand.

    The book has 80 pages. On every page is a photo of an high Nazi leader and his printed signature.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Book With Two Important Signatures   Book With Two Important Signatures  

    Book With Two Important Signatures   Book With Two Important Signatures  

    Book With Two Important Signatures  

  2. #2

    Default Re: Book With Two Important Signatures

    This was an assessment from a recognized expert here in the states:

    "Richard I have been collecting signatures for many years . This is a very nice book with a nice dedication to Himmler . Also that is the typical Himmler HH you see on books that were given to him for his personal collection. The book by itself would retail for around $200 . With the dedication to Himmler about $275 retail. With the Himmler HH which adds a special touch to it as Himmler did sign it Retail between $400 to $500. So if you are asking is it worth $400 yes it is and probably more. If you are thinking of going for it I would as the pictures alone are worth the money. Best Wishes Don Boyle"

    This is a follow-up message from him:

    "Richard congratulations nice pick-up and for the right price to. You must realize some of the books with no signatures bring $200 to $800 and up. Yours has a nice dedication to Himmler then is also Initaled by him to put in his private collection. At his summer home when it was taken over at the end of the war I was told there was one building that had thousands of books that were given to him or he had picked up over the years this is probably one of them. Talk soon. Your Friend Don"

  3. #3

    Default Re: Book With Two Important Signatures

    Well, you can't argue with Don, He is quite an expert when it comes to paperwork. I have met him at the SOS, nice chap

    And Richard, that is a very nice book indeed. I have an original copy of Damels if you ever want to trade off, with some extra

  4. #4

    Default Re: Book With Two Important Signatures

    Quote by JMB View Post
    Well, you can't argue with Don, He is quite an expert when it comes to paperwork. I have met him at the SOS, nice chap

    And Richard, that is a very nice book indeed. I have an original copy of Damels if you ever want to trade off, with some extra
    John ... Do you also come over for the MAX Show?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Book With Two Important Signatures

    I have Bohle sig . in the Caldwell Stewart book. It differs a bit from this one but who's doesn't. Stewy S

  6. #6

    Default Re: Book With Two Important Signatures

    Quote by Stewy S View Post
    I have Bohle sig . in the Caldwell Stewart book. It differs a bit from this one but who's doesn't. Stewy S
    You're absolutely correct, just look at how Hitler's sig varied over the years. The sig in the book is an early Bohle (1936), possibly the one that you have may be a later one?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Book With Two Important Signatures

    Here's the sig from the book. Stewy S
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Book With Two Important Signatures  

  8. #8

    Default Re: Book With Two Important Signatures

    Here are the two signatures for comparison. I believe that they are too close to call. I will send them off to Don Boyle for his evaluation. Most likely the upper one was at a later date is is apparantly a printed signature. I know that my signature is slightly different, depending on if I'm signing on a flat surface or holding the paper on a less stable surface.

    I will post Don's response when I receive it.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Book With Two Important Signatures  

  9. #9

    Default Re: Book With Two Important Signatures

    I know what you mean Richard. My sig differs immensely,as do most peoples. I've provided this sig. As a bassline for members. Hopefully Don or someone else will be able to give better info. Stewy S

  10. #10

    Default Re: Book With Two Important Signatures

    Quote by Stewy S View Post
    I know what you mean Richard. My sig differs immensely,as do most peoples. I've provided this sig. As a bassline for members. Hopefully Don or someone else will be able to give better info. Stewy S
    Stewy ... Here is the response from Don:

    "Richard they are both real and from the same person. Your Friend Don"

    I believe what Don is referencing as both being real is that the printed sig is a copy of the genuine sig.

    I emailed the same comparison photos to him last evening as were posted. I'm certain that he would be most happy to hear from members here should you need information on sigs, totenkopf honor rings or related material. Just ask and I will provide his contact information.

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