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Can anyone tell me whether this is of interest?

Article about: This is a gas mask in its canister.its is marked with 57,possibly the year.iv got my suspicions as to its origins,but would rather consult you to avoid any embarrassment.

  1. #1

    Default Can anyone tell me whether this is of interest?

    This is a gas mask in its canister.its is marked with 57,possibly the year.iv got my suspicions as to its origins,but would rather consult you to avoid any embarrassment.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Can anyone tell me whether this is of interest?  

  2. #2

    Default Re: Can anyone tell me whether this is of interest?

    Hi cornishboy,
    The markings on the filter, is it marked A.B.L.?(Armee Belge, Belgisch leger)
    If that's the case it might be Belgian, or at least the filter might be.


  3. #3

    Default Re: Can anyone tell me whether this is of interest?

    Hi Steven
    I believe it does have that on it.i can confirm when i next see it.Would you know if its worth much? Not sure whether to buy it or not? Thanks for your help,much appreciated.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Can anyone tell me whether this is of interest?

    Hi, its a post WW2 German GM-54, more specifically an earlier variant because of the type of filter thats included with it. As for the value, they are worth between £20 and £35, never seen one sell for higher than that.

    Hopefully this helps



  5. #5

    Default Re: Can anyone tell me whether this is of interest?

    Thanks mr gasmasks,i was hopeing you might answer the call,and of course your extreemly helpfull as ever:-)

  6. #6

    Default Re: Can anyone tell me whether this is of interest?

    Hi Gasmask,
    Could it be that the filter was a belgian post war production?
    Or does the abreviation A.B.L. means something else in german?
    I'm asking because the inscription on the filter matches belgian military markings.


  7. #7

    Default Re: Can anyone tell me whether this is of interest?

    The same filter design was used on both early GM54's and French/Belgian ANP M51's so it could be a possibility that the filter has been mixed with a german mask and cannister due to their similarity. Simon, if you're able to get any photos of the filters markings that might be useful in getting a possitive identification



  8. #8

    Default Re: Can anyone tell me whether this is of interest?

    Thanks danny for your quick and detailled response.
    You realy do honnor your nickname.


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