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Finds in the GARBAGE!

Article about: There is a thread about a member restoring US canteen. Taking dents outs. just look for it or a member will chim in about it.

  1. #1151


    That fighting knife that looks pristine
    You found all that in one group?????
    Semper Fi

  2. #1152


    Thanks, Phil! All found today, but two different groups. The uploader jumbled up my photo order.

    This stuff was in a shoe box with: "Mr. Chickery's Army Stuff" written on it
    Finds in the GARBAGE!

    This stuff was thrown into a USPS priority mail box
    Finds in the GARBAGE!

    The commando style knife is in mint condition. Unfortunately, it's not wartime. It's marked CI 514 Japan

  3. #1153


    Great finds - congratulations! I see that you now have the SS collar tab that you wanted - what a great way to get it!

  4. #1154


    Un-boo-levable Joe!!!
    Hows that museum coming along?
    Between you and Rich in Pa there's a great military history project in the offing.

    Cheers, Dan
    " I'm putting off procrastination until next week "

  5. #1155


    I found records for a Carl Chickery who is from the area. He passed away in 1998. Can anyone help me find info on his service?

  6. #1156


    Some amazing stuff, what people throw away. I particularly like the little triangular Japan-Italy-Germany pin on the yellow skull pennant! (Let me know if you want to find it a new home!) The Infantry badge looks excellent-a shame the backing on the Paratrooper is abit tatty, but it could be worse. Best clean up the oxidizing leather on the belts, though, before they are damaged beyond saving. Even found an SS tab and eagle! Can't beat that! Free is impossible to upgrade, hey? Some Very nice finds, for sure!

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

  7. #1157
    MAP is offline


    Wow. I gotta stop buying lotto tickets and go dumpster diving
    "Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated

    My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them

    "Don't tell me these are investments if you never intend to sell anything" (Quote: Wife)

  8. #1158


    Joe I want a job you can pay me with stuff I find at work

  9. #1159


    Thanks for the kind words, gentlemen!

    Here are some close up of the big ticket items.
    Finds in the GARBAGE!Finds in the GARBAGE!Finds in the GARBAGE!Finds in the GARBAGE!Finds in the GARBAGE!Finds in the GARBAGE!Finds in the GARBAGE!Finds in the GARBAGE!

  10. #1160


    I really like the ss eagle, that's very nice! You have some great finds there mate, well done.

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