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Finds in the GARBAGE!

Article about: There is a thread about a member restoring US canteen. Taking dents outs. just look for it or a member will chim in about it.

  1. #1161


    Quote by Wagriff View Post
    Some amazing stuff, what people throw away. I particularly like the little triangular Japan-Italy-Germany pin on the yellow skull pennant! (Let me know if you want to find it a new home!) The Infantry badge looks excellent-a shame the backing on the Paratrooper is abit tatty, but it could be worse. Best clean up the oxidizing leather on the belts, though, before they are damaged beyond saving. Even found an SS tab and eagle! Can't beat that! Free is impossible to upgrade, hey? Some Very nice finds, for sure!
    Thanks, William! I am still on Cloud Nine!! The belts are very white and powdery... I am hesitant to pry at them too much. Do you know how I should go about cleaning them?
    Finds in the GARBAGE!Finds in the GARBAGE!Finds in the GARBAGE!Finds in the GARBAGE!Finds in the GARBAGE!

  2. #1162


    INSAINE what people throw out isn't it !?!?!?!
    Well done on saving history

  3. #1163


    Personally, I think I would try a leather treatment. Start with something mild like saddle soap and see if it will loosen up any. If not, look into the reconditioning oils and such next. It will, no doubt, be a long and tedious process, but considering the present condition they are in, there's not really much to lose by carefully trying.

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

  4. #1164


    Good work there Joe!-it is sad to see how someone's treasured memorabilia gets tossed out though-at least it's ended up with you who appreciates it all.

  5. #1165


    WOW !!! A Schmolle & Comp 37' and a Richard Sieper & Sohn belt catch....Any pics of the tabs ?
    I'd rather be A "RaD Man than a Mad Man "

  6. #1166


    Belts cleaned up nicely!

    Finds in the GARBAGE!

  7. #1167


    Gwar, the parade buckle is marked WLD. The combat buckle tab looks like it says Schweider?

  8. #1168


    Excellent job! They look Great! Well done!

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

  9. #1169


    Thanks, William! I brought the belts to Gary and he worked his magic on them.

  10. #1170


    Quote by GIZMO8Z View Post
    Gwar, the parade buckle is marked WLD. The combat buckle tab looks like it says Schweider?
    Joe, I would define a 2 piece as a parade buckle - for me these are early and mid war combat belts.
    ( love the wear on the steel one btw. Looks like the owner hit the dirt a few times dodging the bullets!! )
    Cheers, Dan
    " I'm putting off procrastination until next week "

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