Coming off a 2 month hiatus and seeing this post,
all I can say is that it still boggles my mind how
anyone could throw stuff like this away.
Great score Joe.
The binoculars are obviously by Hensoldt. '6x30'
are the most common type - optical companies
turned out loads of these. Love them !
Old Lady Sent Me to the Dump Last Weekend. My wife likes that I am getting stuff out of the house but I always come back with "junk" which are her words
Saw older looking box near the recyclingarea (super slim pickings lately I think another local gets there earlier on Saturday mornings)
What I found Great Set of Us Training Documents for US Army Air Corps, Some other sets will post this is just the rest soon.
Sadly they have no connection to the previous items listed earlier
Very interesting, great maps, work books ect.
I have taken advance matmatics in college but this stuff is no joke! no calculators ect. I bet now a days if this was the program most student would cry and soild themelves. Amazing skill set these guys had. General P
Sorry about the sideways pics. I am picture post challenged lately need to improve- will also post in allied docs forum
It's amazing what turns up from just one depot. Just imagine what's gone to the landfills and recycling. And still goes! Great job saving that great stuff!
It stuns the mind to think-not only of the last several decades, but realize that this has been going on for Millennia! From Day One, people have foolishly been throwing valuable things away. What in the name of Pete must be under the ground today or has been destroyed forever in fires,shredders and who knows what else?
"Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."
Saddest part is that someone had kept that stuff for 70 years and then someone else threw it out as rubbish
WOW.I cant still believe what you find in garbage.amazing
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