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Great find!

Article about: Just recently I came across this m39 Eiergrante case, but not the usal metal case, but a wooden one! Every now and then I go around some antique dealers, and last week one guy said he had a

  1. #1

    Default Great find!

    Just recently I came across this m39 Eiergrante case, but not the usal metal case, but a wooden one! Every now and then I go around some antique dealers, and last week one guy said he had a great item for me. He knows I collect German stuff. The story is that it was found in a shed in the village where the shop is, so it was probely used by the Wehrmacht there. Could even be used by the SS, as they where also fighting in the area.
    It is in great shape, but somebody has used it after the war in the shed for nuts and bolts, and has removed the wooden rack (as to often). Luckely these are easy to recreate.
    I haven't seen these m39 Eigranate cases to much in wood, so I think it is much rarer then the steel boxes. I found a website that shows the inside, how it once was, so if I don't sell this one I'll get out some old wooden boards and a saw and I'll make it complete again. There seem to e to different types of wooden racks for these cases.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Great find!   Great find!  

    Great find!  

  2. #2

    Default Re: Great find!

    Are You sure the handle is original? I have not ever seen such handles in handgrenade boxes. It seems to me that it comes from the Granatwerfer metal ammo box and someone has just replaced it.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Great find!

    I'm pretty sure the handle is the original one. The case hasn't been in collectors hands before, picked up after the war and stayed in a barn for years. If anybody ever changed the handle, it was done by the Germans during the war.
    There were different handles, simple rope, wooden handles, metal handles and metal handles with wood like this one.
    Here's a link that shows different handles on a m39 Eigranate case.
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