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Leather pouch

Article about: I found this stuffed away with some of my Dad's stuff. The rounds were in it. All it has on it is 'EK 1943. Is it a ammo pouch? I'm pretty sure it's American.

  1. #1

    Default Leather pouch

    I found this stuffed away with some of my Dad's stuff. The rounds were in it. All it has on it is 'EK 1943. Is it a ammo pouch? I'm pretty sure it's American.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Leather pouch   Leather pouch  

  2. #2

    Default Re: Leather pouch

    Any fitments on it to secure it to anything?

    To be honest it reminds me of a bicycle tyre repair kit pouch.

    Cheers, Ade.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Leather pouch

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Leather pouch   Leather pouch  

  4. #4

    Default Re: Leather pouch

    No Ade.No belt loop or clip type of deal. It's pretty thick and solid to just be for a bicycle repair kit.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Leather pouch

    I know this is kind of late Ade,but I sorta just found out what this is. Boyt made these in 1943 as a tool pouch,( with slots for belt) similar to what you stated. Sears made exactly what I have (minus slots) as a bullet/cartridge pouch 1943. But...EK?

  6. #6
    iron cross

    Default Re: Leather pouch

    Hello I have one very similar but mine has "Sears" and "1942" stamped on the side. My grand father gave it two me. I am sorry but I also do not know what the real use was. Maby early american ammo pouches.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Leather pouch

    Quote by iron cross View Post
    Hello I have one very similar but mine has "Sears" and "1942" stamped on the side. My grand father gave it two me. I am sorry but I also do not know what the real use was. Maby early american ammo pouches.
    I was looking up some leather pouches and hand bags for my wife's cwp and came across these pouches on ebay. I'm sure a lot of em had to be made.I guess one can put whatever one wants to in them as long as it fits.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Leather pouch

    i can only tell you that some of the rounds there are italian (the ones with rounded nose). for the pouch,no idea

  9. #9

    Default Re: Leather pouch

    Quote by Matt R. View Post
    i can only tell you that some of the rounds there are italian (the ones with rounded nose). for the pouch,no idea
    Thanks...I didn't know what they were. The head stamp reads R M on top and B 45 on the bottom. Any clue to cal. and what they were used in? Ya got my curiosity. If you know, it would save me from looking it up. If you don't,I'll have to put these two fingers to work.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Leather pouch

    Sorry, I never found cases marked R.M. before. The fact that they are dated 45 may lead to think they are postwar prductions for sport/hunting. They are not common in Italy

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