I found this stuffed away with some of my Dad's stuff. The rounds were in it. All it has on it is 'EK 1943. Is it a ammo pouch? I'm pretty sure it's American.
I found this stuffed away with some of my Dad's stuff. The rounds were in it. All it has on it is 'EK 1943. Is it a ammo pouch? I'm pretty sure it's American.
Any fitments on it to secure it to anything?
To be honest it reminds me of a bicycle tyre repair kit pouch.
Cheers, Ade.
No Ade.No belt loop or clip type of deal. It's pretty thick and solid to just be for a bicycle repair kit.
I know this is kind of late Ade,but I sorta just found out what this is. Boyt made these in 1943 as a tool pouch,( with slots for belt) similar to what you stated. Sears made exactly what I have (minus slots) as a bullet/cartridge pouch 1943. But...EK?
Hello I have one very similar but mine has "Sears" and "1942" stamped on the side. My grand father gave it two me. I am sorry but I also do not know what the real use was. Maby early american ammo pouches.
i can only tell you that some of the rounds there are italian (the ones with rounded nose). for the pouch,no idea
Sorry, I never found cases marked R.M. before. The fact that they are dated 45 may lead to think they are postwar prductions for sport/hunting. They are not common in Italy
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