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Local Tag Shop Find/ 1800's Mess Jacket?

Article about: Gents, I kindly ask to seek more information on my recent find at a local tag sale shop. It looks as though it is a mess jacket of some sort. I certainly look forward to any additional infor

  1. #1

    Default Local Tag Shop Find/ 1800's Mess Jacket?


    I kindly ask to seek more information on my recent find at a local tag sale shop. It looks as though it is a mess jacket of some sort. I certainly look forward to any additional information those in the know can provide me. It certainly isn't in the best of shape. However, for $9.00 I took the leap. The insignia alone is interesting!

    Thank you,

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Local Tag Shop Find/ 1800's Mess Jacket?   Local Tag Shop Find/ 1800's Mess Jacket?  

    Local Tag Shop Find/ 1800's Mess Jacket?   Local Tag Shop Find/ 1800's Mess Jacket?  

  2. #2


    From what I can discern, the label states:

    Established 18?
    The Warnock Co.
    New York

  3. #3


    Neat jacket. Rich A. in Pa.
    1969 Shelby GT-500 King of the Road
    Knowledge is power, guard it well.

  4. #4


    Well worth a punt at $9 and a bit of research.

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