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M38 fj relic from italian campaign

Article about: by stuka f I understand what you mean. I only collect relics like that. It is a very nice find. Congratulations. Here are some of mine;

  1. #1

    Default M38 fj relic from italian campaign

    Hi guys I picked up this shell Para; the helmet was found in Venafro, near city of Frosinone; it was on the ground in a barn; probably some FJ division retreating from Cassino front.
    It has still remains of yellow camo paint of sud front (perhaps darkened by time).
    Helmet is a large size but I don't read more the number; inside still the rubber original to the helmet (not added) but unfortunately leather and chinstrap are missing ........ maybe nibbled by some rats ........( rats like leather not the rubber)!!!!!!
    It has first type bolt rivets and original alluminium rim; the helmet has an little hole on one side , probabily a sniper or shot that have been damage the rim.
    Steel is very strong and without rust because helmet is not a ground- dug.
    I believe a nice finding and rare at same time.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture M38 fj relic  from italian campaign   M38 fj relic  from italian campaign  

    M38 fj relic  from italian campaign   M38 fj relic  from italian campaign  

    M38 fj relic  from italian campaign   M38 fj relic  from italian campaign  

    M38 fj relic  from italian campaign   M38 fj relic  from italian campaign  

    M38 fj relic  from italian campaign   M38 fj relic  from italian campaign  

    M38 fj relic  from italian campaign   M38 fj relic  from italian campaign  

    M38 fj relic  from italian campaign   M38 fj relic  from italian campaign  

    M38 fj relic  from italian campaign   M38 fj relic  from italian campaign  

    M38 fj relic  from italian campaign   M38 fj relic  from italian campaign  

    M38 fj relic  from italian campaign   M38 fj relic  from italian campaign  

    M38 fj relic  from italian campaign   M38 fj relic  from italian campaign  

    M38 fj relic  from italian campaign   M38 fj relic  from italian campaign  

    M38 fj relic  from italian campaign   M38 fj relic  from italian campaign  

  2. #2

    Default Re: M38 fj relic from italian campaign

    what a brilliant find well done if it was in really good condition it would be worth £5000 easy so you have found a real winner


  3. #3

    Default Re: M38 fj relic from italian campaign

    Very nice relic M38, but you say not rusted, it is heavily pitted with rust and i would think that the hole is the result of corrosion, due to very damp conditions, there is one piece of the neck strap , but its attached by a piece of wire, which doesnt make a lot of sense, therefore someone has put it there, did you find it in the barn, or is that the story thats been related

  4. #4

    Default Re: M38 fj relic from italian campaign

    Nice relic. I would love to have this one.

  5. #5

    Default Re: M38 fj relic from italian campaign

    Quote by davejb View Post
    Very nice relic M38, but you say not rusted, it is heavily pitted with rust and i would think that the hole is the result of corrosion, due to very damp conditions, there is one piece of the neck strap , but its attached by a piece of wire, which doesnt make a lot of sense, therefore someone has put it there, did you find it in the barn, or is that the story thats been related
    Hallo thank you for your opinion; It's really found in a barn and not ground-dog; it has tipical aspect by humidity work!
    I know well my friend that found it , he live there and is not his first finding!!! I had attached the little remain of strap with a piece of wire because they were broken inside the shell ; rim and rubber are absolutely original to the helmet ; they are still attached on !!!!

  6. #6

    Default Re: M38 fj relic from italian campaign

    Quote by ObKrieger View Post
    Nice relic. I would love to have this one.
    Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!

  7. #7

    Default Re: M38 fj relic from italian campaign

    Quote by talltom View Post
    what a brilliant find well done if it was in really good condition it would be worth £5000 easy so you have found a real winner

    Thank you Tom but I'm not so lucky !!!!!!

  8. #8

    Default Re: M38 fj relic from italian campaign

    Quote by davejb View Post
    Very nice relic M38, but you say not rusted, it is heavily pitted with rust and i would think that the hole is the result of corrosion, due to very damp conditions, .....
    did you find it in the barn, or is that the story thats been related
    I agree !!
    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


  9. #9

    Default Re: M38 fj relic from italian campaign

    Quote by stuka f View Post
    I agree !!
    |<'s a relic item !!
    I know really the conditions of helmet but I'll like to post it because it's a cool relic finding and witness of that events of Italian campaign.
    Site of finding is near Frosinone, between cassino and Rome !!

  10. #10

    Default Re: M38 fj relic from italian campaign

    I understand what you mean. I only collect relics like that.
    It is a very nice find.
    Here are some of mine;
    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


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