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RAF cap badge found inside a wall.

Article about: Hi guys, sometimes things turn up in really odd places. I am at a loss to explain this one. My friend was doing some alterations to his house here in the UK. The house is fairly old and is p

  1. #1

    Default RAF cap badge found inside a wall.

    Hi guys, sometimes things turn up in really odd places. I am at a loss to explain this one.

    My friend was doing some alterations to his house here in the UK. The house is fairly old and is pre war in date. He decided to change a fireplace. When he came to take down part of the wall, he discovered this WW2 RAF cap badge bricked up in the wall. Why on earth it was put there we have no idea? Even though he is a collector (WW2 US kit) he kindly gave me the badge due to my interest in British items.

    I show the badge here next to another well worn and polished example from my collection. I will obviously keep it in "as found" condition.

    Cheers, Ade.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture RAF cap badge found inside a wall.  

  2. #2

    Default Re: RAF cap badge found inside a wall.

    cool story ade

  3. #3

    Default Re: RAF cap badge found inside a wall.

    Is the rest of the airman still within the walls, tell your friend to keep digging.

    Sorry couldn't resist

    Two different makers, are they Ade??



  4. #4

    Default Re: RAF cap badge found inside a wall.

    If he has found the rest of him, he is keeping quiet! It is certainly an odd story.

    Yes, the badges come from two different makers dies. I don't know how many makers were involved in production of RAF cap badges, but there are certainly a few. The RAF cap badge was produced in large numbers as it was worn by all Other Ranks and NCO's.

    Cheers, Ade.

  5. #5

    Default Re: RAF cap badge found inside a wall.

    Hi Ade , I`m a builder , and i`ve often found old coins in walls whist doing refurb works .Bricklayers often used to place things in the mortar knowing they would be found in the fullness of time ( a kind of time vault ) I`ve often come across old cigarette packets and match boxes , Capstan Full Strength , Senior Service , Players Weights and the like ( do you remember those Ade ) and old newspapers rolled up and used as draught strips ,( the old folks were a great bunch weren`t they , not a lot of money but still found a way to get the job done ) In my own home , when i replaced some old windows , i found a newspaper dated 1913 ( it is an old house ) and in it were the details of passengers lost on the Titanic , amazing ! Sorry i digress , and i wonder if your badge was put in for a similar reason ! Smashing story Ade , and a nice piece of history .

    cheers Al

  6. #6

    Default Re: RAF cap badge found inside a wall.

    I found a load of wartime U.S. items under the floor boards of my old house. I guess that person living there during the war was having quite and active relationship(s) with a U.S.A.A.F serviceman (or servicemen), going by the buttons, a ribbon bar and most of all a large number of discarded prophylactic wrappers , most were made by the Trojan rubber company, now that's what you call a great name for a condom manufacturer.


  7. #7

    Default Re: RAF cap badge found inside a wall.

    I had an uncle that passed recently. Before he died, he gave instructions to my Aunt about where to break into the wall to retrieve some keepsakes for the nieces and nephews. He had left his US Navy baseball catchers mitt for me (he had been the catcher with the USN team in the early part of the war. A big deal! All the great pro ball players were in the service and played with the Army, Navy etc. teams)
    Who knows...perhaps put there on purpose for safe keeping.

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