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Red Army meat ration found in the attic

Article about: Just founded in an old attic red army ration packs in it's original and untoched condition. The box with preserves was found wrapped to the old 1940 dated newspaper and hidden under the floo

  1. #1

    Default Red Army meat ration found in the attic

    Just founded in an old attic red army ration packs in it's original and untoched condition. The box with preserves was found wrapped to the old 1940 dated newspaper and hidden under the floor. The cardboard box itself dated february 1941 year. But unfortunately I don't owe the original package.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Red Army meat ration found in the attic   Red Army meat ration found in the attic  

    Red Army meat ration found in the attic   Red Army meat ration found in the attic  

    Red Army meat ration found in the attic  

  2. #2

    Default Re: Red Army meat ration found in the attic

    Hi Dimas, I wonder what the contents are like after all these years? I dont really kinow the shelf life of meat in a tin

  3. #3

    Default Re: Red Army meat ration found in the attic

    I ve carefully opened to "deactivate" some inflated cans; there is three sizes- smaller is with the liver pate, medium is beef, and bigger is pork. The smell and look was not bad to eat.
    But it's not easy to restore the rumpled parts. Some of them which is still nice I will keep as is, but unfortunately the rich cans cannot be sent to USA and non-EU countries, who don't accept foods from outlands.
    The empty cans also not bad for exposition, I just do a small hole to deactivate them.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Red Army meat ration found in the attic

    Very interesting, I have always been facinated by really old canned food.

    Question... are you guys serious about "deactivating" the inflated cans? What is the purpose behind this? I am kind of confused. And wouldn't the contents go bad once you puncture the can?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Red Army meat ration found in the attic

    Quote by RylanBrissette View Post
    Very interesting, I have always been facinated by really old canned food.

    Question... are you guys serious about "deactivating" the inflated cans? What is the purpose behind this? I am kind of confused. And wouldn't the contents go bad once you puncture the can?
    Here I use the word "deactivate" as a joke. I don't think that there is some dangerous ( of course if you don't eat it) viruses. As you can see, I'am still living and not sick

  6. #6

    Default Re: Red Army meat ration found in the attic


  7. #7

    Default Re: Red Army meat ration found in the attic

    The danger with old cans is botulism. "Botulinum toxin is extremely potent. Even opening a contaminated can may expose consumers to the toxin if it is inhaled, swallowed or absorbed through the eye or breaks in the skin, health officials said"

  8. #8

    Default Re: Red Army meat ration found in the attic

    Yes thats why the cans have expanded, the gases given off by the decomposing contents blow the can up from the inside.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Red Army meat ration found in the attic

    Quote by Ben Evans View Post
    Hi Dimas, I wonder what the contents are like after all these years? I dont really kinow the shelf life of meat in a tin
    Even if it doesn't "go bad" it is safe to assume it hasn't gotten any

    I think some of the meat, that came from the US, was horse meat.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Red Army meat ration found in the attic

    Neigh lad that was just a rumour,!!! i do recall a story about some one eating 1914=1918 bully beef that was ground dug, but as already posted i would not recomend it either.

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