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relic helmet wit black paint and battle damaged?

Article about: This was given to me a couple of years ago. Npt sure if it is battle damaged or simply damaged. The outside has been brushed and there is no paint left, but on the inside interestingly the p

  1. #1

    Default relic helmet wit black paint and battle damaged?

    This was given to me a couple of years ago. Npt sure if it is battle damaged or simply damaged. The outside has been brushed and there is no paint left, but on the inside interestingly the paints looks to be black. It might also be that the original paint turned into black due to colour degradation...
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture relic helmet wit black paint and battle damaged?   relic helmet wit black paint and battle damaged?  

    relic helmet wit black paint and battle damaged?   relic helmet wit black paint and battle damaged?  

  2. #2

    Default Re: relic helmet wit black paint and battle damaged?

    that is a very nice relic lid shame theres no paint on the outside looks a bit like a cracked egg

  3. #3

    Default Re: relic helmet wit black paint and battle damaged?

    yes you're right!

    On the third picture, on the back of the helmet there is a sign of impact where the crack starts, but I cannot imagine it could do such a big damage?

  4. #4

    Default Re: relic helmet wit black paint and battle damaged?

    well that impact could have started the cracking just over the years of going through temperature changes & handling may have steadily made it worse ????

  5. #5

    Default Re: relic helmet wit black paint and battle damaged?

    it is possible. I have no idea where it was stored before it was given to me. I think anyway that it was an excellent ...chicken mess kit !

  6. #6

    Default Re: relic helmet wit black paint and battle damaged?

    Looks like concussion damage caused by proximity to blast to me .

    Regards, Ned.

  7. #7

    Default Re: relic helmet wit black paint and battle damaged?

    Thanks Ned! I was found in my hometown, so I am keeping it in my collection

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