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Strange pincushion of Hitler

Article about: Hello all. I have found this strange figure that seems to be an old pincushion with the image of Hitler. What do you think? Is it original from the time? Appears to be made of cement or plas

  1. #1

    Default Strange pincushion of Hitler

    Hello all.
    I have found this strange figure that seems to be an old pincushion with the image of Hitler.
    What do you think? Is it original from the time?
    Appears to be made of cement or plaster

    Strange pincushion of Hitler
    Strange pincushion of Hitler
    Strange pincushion of Hitler
    Strange pincushion of Hitler
    Strange pincushion of Hitler
    Strange pincushion of Hitler
    Strange pincushion of Hitler
    Strange pincushion of Hitler

  2. #2


    No idea, but it's hilarious all the same.

  3. #3
    MAP is offline


    These did exist. A quick google search turns up dozens. That said, I've not seen one that looks like this.
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  4. #4


    There were a few different versions of these. I’ve always wanted to find one

  5. #5


    This is known as an ANTI-AXIS home front piece. There were many types of these made, mostly from plaster and a material called chalkware. This is another example of the Hitler pin cushion, and there were also Mussolini and Tojo pin cushions made as well as many other Anti-Axis items such as ashtrays, bowling pins with the faces of the three dictators on them, tin pots and numerous other items.

    This is a very nice example

    Best regards


  6. #6


    I’ll second what Smitty said there are also figurines that have the face of those three with skunk bodies

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