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Some Austro-Hungarian photos

Article about: These are a few photos I have acquired, and wanted to share. Any input is welcome. Thanks. Paul

  1. #1

    Default Some Austro-Hungarian photos

    These are a few photos I have acquired, and wanted to share. Any input is welcome.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Some Austro-Hungarian photos   Some Austro-Hungarian photos  

    Some Austro-Hungarian photos  

  2. #2


    Unit photos
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Some Austro-Hungarian photos   Some Austro-Hungarian photos  

    Some Austro-Hungarian photos  

  3. #3


    thanks for sharing. Like the last one, what a motely crew !

  4. #4


    Certainly the faces of the soldiers in the last photograph confirm that being an enlisted soldier, and life in the barracks, are always things that do not like whoever happens to them

  5. #5


    The first picture could be a complete pionier battalion / brueckenbau kompanie by bridge work? second one looks like a italian dolomiten or Mountain area Balkan? third photo are NCOs by mobilisation of 1914.
    Its always looks at the backsides as there are unit details described by some photos. the 4. picture is probably of Bruck an der Leitha, were was a large shooting training center, possible the picture is of NCO training. The 5. looks like a east front picture of a Battalion , 6. looks like already tired soldiers with one korporal.

  6. #6


    Thank you AndyB. I believe a couple of these have writing on the back. I'll check.

  7. #7

    Default back

    This is the bridge one.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Some Austro-Hungarian photos  

  8. #8


    The others.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Some Austro-Hungarian photos   Some Austro-Hungarian photos  

    Some Austro-Hungarian photos  

  9. #9


    Easiest way is on last one, its Ersatz Companie of Feld Jaeger Battalion nr.25 in Spielberg Kaserne in Bruenn, which is Brno Czech republic.
    Prapor polnich myslivců č. 25 : Feldjaeger Battalions
    there in link is same place photographed
    The other backside is sutterlin written which is hard to readable, but i see there no unit mentioned.
    The nr2 card is redable, Wilhelm was in Hospital, is out of Krems, there is written Inf.Regt.N.84 which has Stab, II and III Battalion in Krems located.
    The bridge background is destined to Terezin which is czech town, is in german suttterlin and i dont see there any units.

  10. #10


    Thank you again.

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