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B-Type Helmet With Field Modification For Oxygen Mask

Article about: [ATTACH=CONFIG]313482[/ATTACHI bought the personal items of a RCAF flight instructor that served in Canada for the Comonwealth Training Plan. Inside the B-Type helmet is marked RAFC which my

  1. #1

    Default B-Type Helmet With Field Modification For Oxygen Mask

    B-Type Helmet With Field Modification For Oxygen MaskB-Type Helmet With Field Modification For Oxygen MaskB-Type Helmet With Field Modification For Oxygen MaskB-Type Helmet With Field Modification For Oxygen MaskB-Type Helmet With Field Modification For Oxygen MaskB-Type Helmet With Field Modification For Oxygen MaskB-Type Helmet With Field Modification For Oxygen MaskB-Type Helmet With Field Modification For Oxygen Mask[ATTACH=CONFIG]313482[/ATTACHI bought the personal items of a RCAF flight instructor that served in Canada for the Comonwealth Training Plan. Inside the B-Type helmet is marked RAFC which my Guess is the Ferry Command. The most interesting thing is the helmet has a field modification of the Oxygen Mask Studs. It has had the D-Type studs removed and Female snaps added to accomodate a E, E* and G Mask. Not present was the addition of a Bennett Buckel. I would really like to pair this helmet off with a Oxygen Mask but I dont know at this point what would be appropriate due to the lack of the buckle. The log book is very interesting starting in 1941 til 1951 and flying everything from Tiger Moths to Harvards. Everything will contribute greatly to my living history displays. If anyone has any ideas about what Oxygen Mask to use and how to set it up, your imput is very much welcome.

  2. #2

    Default Re: B-Type Helmet With Field Modification For Oxygen Mask

    Thanks for posting this man. Like I said, there are a lot of people here who would be interested in seeing this.

  3. #3

    Default Re: B-Type Helmet With Field Modification For Oxygen Mask

    Nice helmet. All I know is that the cloth wings are repro.........


  4. #4

    Default Re: B-Type Helmet With Field Modification For Oxygen Mask

    I had my suspicions due to the discoloration not really shown in the pic. How can you tell that the wings are repro? Im not to familiar with Commonwealth items.

  5. #5

    Default Re: B-Type Helmet With Field Modification For Oxygen Mask

    It is made with incorrect material and has a 'flat' profile - but there were 'flat' type
    pilot wings that were used postwar until the early 1950's, when HRH Queen
    Elizabeth II took the throne of England. WWII types are also 'pillowed'
    or stuffed to make them look puffy.

    In the photo below, the one on the top left is an original WWII. Top right
    is a 'flat' post-war 'King's crown' version - Note the off-white colour of
    these two wings. The remaining 3 are modern repros. ( These are all
    RAF wings, but the RCAF type conform to them, which I'll post
    later. I believe I have one that is identical to yours. )
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture B-Type Helmet With Field Modification For Oxygen Mask  
    Last edited by Walkwolf; 02-29-2012 at 12:53 AM.


  6. #6

    Default Re: B-Type Helmet With Field Modification For Oxygen Mask

    Not exactly the same, but still repro, IMO - as is the second one
    from the bottom. The lower one is likely 1970's.........
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture B-Type Helmet With Field Modification For Oxygen Mask  


  7. #7


    Hi Redwater7 you still using this site? Wanted to talk with you about the modified B

  8. #8


    He might still pop in, But according to his profile he's last activity was 6/6/2017
    Semper Fi

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