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JU88A crash site.

Article about: by ssg keay I posted a request for help in a German Aviation Forum, let's see what happens.

  1. #1

    Default JU88A crash site.

    I am looking for information on a JU88a that crash in Wiesbaden Germany ,I just got the plaque information today.

    Serial number 9-610930 and the werk number 1509 JU88a with 211f engines.

  2. #2

    Default Re: JU88A crash site.

    Any help on this one guys I am sure someone can help me.

  3. #3

    Default Re: JU88A crash site.

    Ok, first of all, where in Wiesbaden? Currently I only know of one Ju-88 for sure that went down near Wiesbaden. This one smacked into a hill north of Wiesbaden and came down around June/July 44 (don't have the exact date at work). Danny

  4. #4

    Default Re: JU88A crash site.

    Quote by ssg keay View Post
    Ok, first of all, where in Wiesbaden? Currently I only know of one Ju-88 for sure that went down near Wiesbaden. This one smacked into a hill north of Wiesbaden and came down around June/July 44 (don't have the exact date at work). Danny
    Yes on the side of a hill ,there is a hill and at the top of it there is a restaurant and also a boy scout monument.From the info you have it sound like this one.

  5. #5

    Default Re: JU88A crash site.

    Ok the serial number is not the serial number of the plane, but looks rather to be a part number. Also, the werknummer you listed is very low, the one I have for the Ju88 I mentioned for instance is a five digit number. Can you tell me a bit more about this site? Did you dig there yourself? You mention plaque information and I am wondering if you purchased some parts of this plane. The reason I am asking there is a lot of cheating going on in this field. I recently saw an item on the famous e-site, which supposedly belonged to a Bf109 shot down during the Battle of Britain. When I contacted a friend about this, he blew a fuse. He excavated that particular aircraft and actually has the part, which was up for auction, in his house. The part obviously was from a different crash, but because the other one was more significant, the seller created a fake certificate and plaque. My Ju88 was flown by a Night's Cross Holder. Danny

  6. #6

    Default Re: JU88A crash site.

    Quote by ssg keay View Post
    Ok the serial number is not the serial number of the plane, but looks rather to be a part number. Also, the werknummer you listed is very low, the one I have for the Ju88 I mentioned for instance is a five digit number. Can you tell me a bit more about this site? Did you dig there yourself? You mention plaque information and I am wondering if you purchased some parts of this plane. The reason I am asking there is a lot of cheating going on in this field. I recently saw an item on the famous e-site, which supposedly belonged to a Bf109 shot down during the Battle of Britain. When I contacted a friend about this, he blew a fuse. He excavated that particular aircraft and actually has the part, which was up for auction, in his house. The part obviously was from a different crash, but because the other one was more significant, the seller created a fake certificate and plaque. My Ju88 was flown by a Night's Cross Holder. Danny
    The site was found by me and my uncle and also my cousins about 30 years ago maybe 25 years in the woods no large pieces the larges piece that was found was a bomb relist system that my uncle gave to a museum in Germany. ,nothing was bought .I was born in Wiesbaden And spent 8 years there.All the items were found by us .The reason I would like some info on it is because My uncle found the German cross in Gold at the site and would like to find out who it belong to.

  7. #7

    Default Re: JU88A crash site.

    You think you could semi-pinpoint the spot on a map, or google earth satellite view?
    I was asked by the forestry office to check on this site, which they found while cutting down trees. If this is the same plane I can give you some good info and I know who owned the German Cross in Gold. Danny

  8. #8

    Default Re: JU88A crash site.

    Quote by ssg keay View Post
    You think you could semi-pinpoint the spot on a map, or google earth satellite view?
    I was asked by the forestry office to check on this site, which they found while cutting down trees. If this is the same plane I can give you some good info and I know who owned the German Cross in Gold. Danny
    I just look on google earth really not that easy to find but if this help it is next to the Kellerskopfweg wiesbaden on the next hill they have plated some pine trees in the location in the last 10 years there is a small field there with cheeps in the summer and a power line.Also not that sure about using satellite view and giving info with it.

  9. #9

    Default Re: JU88A crash site.

    To funny. My site was re-forested with pines as well. That is how I found four crash sites on that one hill alone. Alas, my site is about 5km to the WNW of your site. Mine came down 30/31 June 1944 after dropping mines in the Seine Estury and then for some unknown reason he ended up in Wiesbaden instead of Metz, where he had taken off from. Danny

  10. #10

    Default Re: JU88A crash site.

    I posted a request for help in a German Aviation Forum, let's see what happens.

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