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martin bakers ejection seat survivors tie pin

Article about: Thought I would share this it may be of interest to someone . I was giving this tie pin this week from a gentleman. He and his pilot survived ejecting out of a Gloster Javelin FAW 9 aircraft

  1. #1

    Default martin bakers ejection seat survivors tie pin

    Thought I would share this it may be of interest to someone .
    I was giving this tie pin this week from a gentleman. He and his pilot survived ejecting out of a Gloster Javelin FAW 9 aircraft in the early sixties at 27,000 feet and 250 knots. Both engines disintegrated due to compressor blade failure. Thankfully no one on the ground was injured. I do have a small report on the incident.
    He well into his eighties now. I have worked at his house a few times now , he knows I collected odds and ends, anyways he gave me this tie pin and said that I may as well have it as he has no one else to leave it to, I was touched, for some reason he must like me!
    You’ve got to have been saved by a martin baker ejection seat in order to be a member of this club . martin baker sponsors this club and gives you the tie and pin and membership. As of 2019 there are over 6000 members. Martin Baker claim that their seats have saved the life’s of over 7681 around the world. (Taken from the net)
    I never knew such a club {thing) existed.
    He also gave me some other odds and ends which he had kept from his days in the RAF including his training helmet and goggles. He said he started his training in a tiger moth.
    martin bakers  ejection seat survivors tie pinmartin bakers  ejection seat survivors tie pin

  2. #2


    I was totally unaware of the Martin Baker Club , the successor to the Caterpillar Club I assume.
    Thanks for a very informative post.

    Regards Mike

  3. #3


    The pin seems to have change in design at some point in time , it looks like it has silver wings with a red triangle in the centre. Unlike the caterpillar club pins this one hasn’t his name on the back.
    I thought I had left a link on my last post. Ejection Tie Club – Martin Baker There’s some stories on there about how some of the people lives have been saved by martin baker ejection seats.

  4. #4


    What a great grouping to have. Very interesting piece.

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