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Photo with Austro-Hungarian Balloon Insignia

Article about: I have a photo with a soldier wearing Balloon Corp collar insignia. He's also wearing a pair of cap badges that are unknown to me. Does anybody recognize them, by chance? Regards, Kevin

  1. #1

    Default Photo with Austro-Hungarian Balloon Insignia

    I have a photo with a soldier wearing Balloon Corp collar insignia. He's also wearing a pair of cap badges that are unknown to me. Does anybody recognize them, by chance?

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Photo with Austro-Hungarian Balloon Insignia  

  2. #2


    Hello Norwest , the photo showing an Austro-Hungarian air force soldier in the company of a German soldier is very beautiful. The austrian soldier wear 2 kappenabzeichen on his cap. Consulting some books I have , I can tell you that the first kappen ( the one on the left in relation to the photo) is from the N° 84 Infantry Regiment . I was not able to identify the other. The soldier probably came from an infantry regiment and then had been transferred to the Air Force.

  3. #3


    Photo with Austro-Hungarian Balloon Insignia

  4. #4


    Please excuse me, the kappen is NOT from the 84 ^ infantry regiment but is a generic kappenabzeichen dedicated to emperor Karl. Best regards

  5. #5

    Default Rotated for you

    Photo with Austro-Hungarian Balloon Insignia

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