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Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

Article about: I acquired this fantastic Spanish civil war pilot grouping early In November but just received it on Christmas Eve. The uniform is named to Comandante (Major) Jose Munoz-Jimenez who served a

  1. #1

    Default Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    I acquired this fantastic Spanish civil war pilot grouping early In November but just received it on Christmas Eve. The uniform is named to Comandante (Major) Jose Munoz-Jimenez who served as a pilot during the Spanish civil war, commanded a Condor legion unit and eventually went on to command the 1st Blue Squadron in Russia. I'll start with a few pictures of the uniform group and a brief summary of his career. This uniform represents his flight gear from around 1938 as a commander in the Condor legion. I'll go into more detail on the uniform parts in subsequent posts. I have a lot of information and images to share so stay tuned as I add more......

    Cheers, Al

    Jose Munoz-Jimenez
    "El Corto"

    7/01/1906 - 11/27/1941

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot GroupingSpanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot GroupingSpanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    1928 - A former infantryman, highly decorated, wounded twice - joined the Airforce as an Observer

    1930 - Earned his Pilot wings assigned Grp 23, 3 Squadron in Morrocco

    1932 - Qualified for instrument flying

    1933 - Qualified as a Paratrooper

    1936 - Captain Munoz as a proficient pilot headed a squadron of biplane light bombers Breguet XIX and Bi-motor Dragon Folkers.

    1937 - Squadron commander of Grp. 4-G-12 Romeo 37 Assault planes and Heinkel 70 (Rayos) Transport planes. Grp. 1-G-2 Heinkel 51.

    1938 - Promoted to Camandante (Major) and incorporated into La Zenia, Legion Condor. Commanded a squadron of Me109c under grp. 5-G-5 and He 112's.

    1936 -1939 - during the civil war logged 867 hours of flight, 27 combat sorties, wounded in battle and highly decorated.

    1940 - Became an Instructor in the newly formed Airforce Academy after the civil war.

    1941 - Volunteered in the expeditionary force to the Russian front and became Comandante, eventually Lt.-Colonel of the 1st Blue Squadron under Major Angel Salas. Integrated into JG-27 "15 Spaniche Staffel.

    11/27/1941 - While on an escort mission protecting He 123's and Ju 87's he was shot down by Russian AA. The plane crashed into enemy territory with no signs of parachute deployment.
    Promoted to Colonel posthumously.

  2. #2


    This uniform group was in a 40 year old collection that was originally bought from the son of Major Munoz. I cannot account for every item as being original to the group but that is how it was sold to me. I'll break down the uniform parts for discussion.

    Nicely worn Condor legion overseas cap with 8 pointed star indicating rank of Major or Comandante. It lacks any piping as you would expect to find on an Officer's cap but perhaps the Spaniards were less strict in their guidelines.

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot GroupingSpanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot GroupingSpanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot GroupingSpanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot GroupingSpanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

  3. #3


    The flight jacket, trousers and boots are exactly what you'd expect to find being worn buy a Nationalist pilot during the civil war.........

    Removable fur collar, double zippers, silk lining

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot GroupingSpanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    Large size trousers with many zippers

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot GroupingSpanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot GroupingSpanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    Fur lined boots

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot GroupingSpanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot GroupingSpanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

  4. #4


    Flight helmet is silk lined, goggles look like German dust goggles. Hard to say if these are original to the group or add ons. I've seen many photo's of Spanish pilots using all types of goggles.

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot GroupingSpanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot GroupingSpanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot GroupingSpanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

  5. #5


    Medal bar.....

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    Pilot wings look like they are from Republic era prior to the civil war. He earned his wings in in 1930 so it's possible they are his first wings because they are lacking the Duchal crown normally seen on Nationalist's wings.

    8 pointed star Major rank, Falange badge

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot GroupingSpanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

  6. #6


    These reprints of famous photo's were included in the group and depict pilots wearing similar uniforms while posing in front of He 51's. the first photo is of Joachin Garcia Morato, top ace of the Nationalist's along with his squad. The other photo is of Italian volunteers during the civil war.

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

  7. #7


    These are photo's of a young Jose Munoz with his squadron from an actual photo album which I don't own. These images were provided by the seller.

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot GroupingSpanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

  8. #8


    I found a magazine article online honoring the man and his career. although it's in Spanish I'll post it for reference

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot GroupingSpanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

  9. #9


    This is a rendition of the man in 1940 after the civil war and assigned to the Air force Academy. Note the rank insignia on sleeve cuff, the instuctor badge similar to one in my collection and it appears he's wearing the parachute qualification wing.

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot GroupingSpanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping
    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping
    Last edited by Aldo; 01-08-2021 at 09:57 PM.

  10. #10


    I found many images of Comandante Munoz while assigned to the 1st Blue squadron. His nickname given to him by his brother was "El Corto" essentially the short one as you will see was indicative of his stature.

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping
    Arriving in Berlin along with other volunteers, note he is till in his Spanish uniform

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping
    August 16, 1941 Berlin, on the left Munoz in Luftwaffe uniform, Col Angel Salas on the right inspecting the squadron.

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping

    Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Pilot Grouping
    Munoz on the left getting information from a German advisor center

    Credit: La Escuadrilla Azul

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