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WW2 Axis Ring?

Article about: Hello What are your thoughts on this ring? * It came with a bunch of small German items etc * No markings on the ring. Thank you Tony

  1. #1

    Default WW2 Axis Ring?


    What are your thoughts on this ring?
    * It came with a bunch of small German items etc
    * No markings on the ring.

    Thank you
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture WW2 Axis Ring?   WW2 Axis Ring?  

    WW2 Axis Ring?   WW2 Axis Ring?  

    WW2 Axis Ring?  

  2. #2


    It's Finnish trench art ring.

    They are always made of aluminium, and prettier ones have Enamel embedded into them.

    There was 200.000 Germans in Finland, mainly in Lappland during 1941-1944, so it s not uncommon to find Finnish items in Germany.

  3. #3


    Hello Verikauha
    Thank you so much for the information and help
    I really appreciate it

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