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Cobra / Battleskin / Revision market price

Article about: So, they've started to appear on the market. 'Last I read was that 9,000 had been ordered/supplied to the BA and I saw my first one for sale on eBay a week or so ago. The complete set (helme

  1. #31


    'thought I'd revisit this one, even if just to have something non-TR in the New Posts list for 27 seconds....

    I've now been monitoring the changes (decline) in market pricing for the Virtus helmet for nearly 3 years and have been able to plot the results below. By my reckoning, all Virtus helmets will be free at the War and Peace Show in 2020. :-)

    After 3 years of committed and dedicated studying of the behaviour of market pricing from date of issue to general issue the key findings are:-

    1. things get cheaper for a while when there's more of them
    2. errrr......that's it

    Cobra / Battleskin / Revision market price

    I should stress that I'm not a statistician....nor an economist...and, apparently I should tell you than I'm not authorised to provide financial advice....and advise you that other similar services may be available..and my fees/charges are clearly displayed (elsewhere). I should also warn you that the above chart in no way endorses or otherwise the work undertaken by the person known here as "Composite", nor should it be taken as financial advice or otherwise. Charts such as that shown are just one way of displaying data - other methods or data modelling tools are available. Prices shown are in UK pounds - other currencies are available - any attempt to convert to other currencies will be at the risk of the individual undertaking the conversion. Currency fluctuations are a risk. This study in no way endorses or condones the purchase of the subject of this study. This work does not recommend any specific Show in the UK - War and Peace is simply mentioned as an indicator of time rather than event itself - other Shows are available. Helmets may not be available for sale or otherwise at some UK Shows. It is highly recommended that collectors do not attempt to obtain items free of charge without the agreement of the vendor or vendors. This study was undertaken in the UK - similar items in other countries may vary from the UK specification and other local economic and legal factors may influence the results of any similar surveys undertaken elsewhere. Side-effects may occur including boredom, distraction, financial decline, charging/arrest (first few weeks), perceived need for more space. In the event of any serious health issues including but not restricted to developing an interest in Composite Helmets or any other non-TR items is not the responsibility of the Poster and no responsibility for anything whatsoever will be taken therein. No animals were harmed in this exercise, nor were they photographed. All monitoring was undertaken under lavatory conditions. Other non-TR helmets are available...although when you look at the Posts on this forum you'd find that hard to believe!
    Last edited by Composite; 06-05-2019 at 11:16 AM.

  2. #32


    Hahaha, you have too much time on your hands Ade! Now, where can I pick up my free Virtus and which accessories are included (you've started something now!)?


    "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing he cares more about than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature with no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

  3. #33


    Quote by Composite View Post
    1. things get cheaper for a while when there's more of them
    Very entertaining post, and with the usual pertinent point. I've been collecting now for just 20 years (yes, just minutes to some of you, I know I know) and I noticed early on that there were sometimes apparent gluts of some specific thing (the Spanish Modelo Z was perhaps the first I noted) that later, sooner than you'd think, became uncommon and then rare. I've noticed that again recently with some Swedish helmets. I've always had a bit of a thing about people who dismiss some helmets as 'common' and 'not collectable' as if the only factor was the cash value that comes with 'rarity' (but then again TR helmets are as common as dirt...how does that work then?**) but the reality is that what might seem commonplace and easily available now may not continue to be so.

    Yes, I know any real collector understands this, but its worth underlining anyway. All part of the learning process.

    ** It can't be just supply and demand - there are always lots of them on sale.

  4. #34


    ..that Casio calculator is still working!

    Right, as at the end of Dec 2019, the going rate (according to sales undertaken via well known online retailer) is £110.66

    £322 (Aug '17)
    £301.93 (Nov '17)
    £317.27 (Dec '17)
    £242.11 (Feb'18)
    £233 (Apr '18)
    £199 (Aug '18)
    £154.92 (Jan '19)
    £110.66 (Dec '19) (£80 lowest, £150 highest)

    ....with £60 being the lowest actually seen for sale "in the flesh" (by me at least..and excluded from survey as not on Ebay). Clearly my £0-by-July-2020 extrapolation is now unlikely.....but let's see....

    Whilst I appreciate that very few folk here give a FF about this monitoring, it's gotta be the first time a military helmets secondhand market price has ever been monitored from the date they hit the open market (albeit probably illegally, and via only one online retail outlet)....so I'm gonna keep going...if only to toss a Composite/Ballistic Helmet post "grenade" into the endless drivel which gets posted about decals, Q stamps, dark leather, chicken wire, underlying blue-grey, Normandy camo, white over-paints, droop tail, wrong runes, re-used by Norway, dug up, shed-found, Whittman, Ardennes, Tigers, 800 stamps, more Tigers, Hitler, Zimmerit, Feldgendarmerie, Butter Dish, Potato Mashers, Big Mac (just testing!), Kursk, Kurland, Kirk Douglas (testing again), Gorget, Frozen Meat, with diamonds, Tigers (again....and again...and again) Chancellery, Bunker, Banner, small eagles AND big eagles, bent claws, heterosexual claws, 1st pattern, gold eagle, marble bust, BW straps, Salt-Shakers, aluminium comb, LS winged badge, pink piped, more bloody Tigers, straw over-boots, RZM, FJ38, Knee pads, Stuka, glass mine, MG42, K98, RAD, Berlin, side cap, wrap tunic, pea pattern, Zeltbahn, Autobahn (and again!), banner top, SS blah blah blah blah...and the funniest bit is that they won't even read this cos it hasn't got decals, Q stamps, dark leather, chicken wire, underlying blue-grey, Normandy camo, white over-paints, droop tail, wrong runes, re-used by Norway, dug up, shed-found, Whittman, Ardennes, Tigers, 800 stamps, more Tigers, Hitler, Zimmerit, Feldgendarmerie, Butter Dish, Potato Mashers, Big Mac (just testing!), Kursk, Kurland, Kirk Douglas (testing again), Gorget, Frozen Meat, with diamonds, Tigers (again....and again...and again) Chancellery, Bunker, Banner, small eagles AND big eagles, bent claws, heterosexual claws, 1st pattern, gold eagle, marble bust, BW straps, Salt-Shakers, aluminium comb, LS winged badge, pink piped, more bloody Tigers, straw over-boots, RZM, FJ38, Knee pads, Stuka, glass mine, MG42, K98, RAD, Berlin, side cap, wrap tunic, pea pattern, Zeltbahn, Autobahn (and again!), banner top, SS in the Thread title!!!! :-)

    You're welcome.....or for Social Media users "your welcome".......which of course means the "welcome" belongs to me...rather than being given it...but there's too many words in this post for that lot to scroll through to see if there's a picture of a cat at the end.....or a "like".......why do we bother?....the world as we know it will soon be run by self-obsessed mirror-lovers who have no understanding of real hardship and suffering and only believe what appears on their phone and are only interested in half naked halfwits on a beach who've never shown any interest in current affairs (except their own!).......happy new year by the way...

  5. #35


    'interesting blip.....currently £178...that takes us back to 2018 levels. Perhaps too early to assume that a global virus can influence ballistic helmet prices....but those "Survivalists" out there...or perhaps that should be OVER there (don't worry they wont read this) are said to be assuming this could be the big one......however I kinda see that lot as M1-ites...true to the core...or perhaps "corp" ('see what I did there? - that really is quite clever.......oh, forget it).

    It might of course have something to do with the fact that one of the sellers referred to theirs as a "Virus" helmet (read it again...s...l...o...w...l...y... geddit it now?)....though he also said it was the helmet "your" looking for.....so bang goes his/her/their credibility immediately right?...I mean, not being able to comprehend the vast difference between "you're" and "your"...probably explains why he/she/it is selling a piece of personal protective equipment just as real survivors start feuding over a tin of Tomatoes.

    Anyway, the Market Price according to a well known online retail market has INCREASED. I think that we shouldn't assume that, as projected in the earlier graph, the Market Price WONT be zero at War & Peace but sadly, it's looking increasingly likely that we won't have a chance to prove this right or wrong......typical!....the first ever tracking of the decline in market pricing of a Composite helmet from the day it hit the market and all that research goes out of the window thanks to "Pangolins Revenge"....why couldn't they just eat proper food?!!

    Now, where's that dead horse that I was going to beat the living cr@p out of?

    Your welcome! ;-) (well, if they read this far they may find that ironic!)

  6. #36


    So, here (on WR...not actually HERE…..good Lord I can't think of anything worse than a load of TR-obsessed old guys, unable to communicate without a keyboard, wandering around the village!) are the latest results. This latest work is to be published due to its importance which has arisen from the current state of affairs. This tome is to be entitled:-

    "The absolutely first study into how a global killer pandemic can impact the market price (as recorded from a global online retail site) of an Army helmet from its first appearance on said market through five years of issue to include the previously mentioned worldwide nastiness"

    The aforementioned report, hereby shortened to TAFSIHAGKPCITMPARFAGORSOAAHFIFAOSMTFYOITITPMWN, reveals that:-

    £322 (Aug '17)
    £301.93 (Nov '17)
    £317.27 (Dec '17)
    £242.11 (Feb'18)
    £233 (Apr '18)
    £199 (Aug '18)
    £154.92 (Jan '19)
    £110.66 (Dec '19)
    £178.00 (Feb '20)
    £164.70 (May '20) (£112 lowest, £250 highest)

    So, there you have it...exclusive, scientific and arithmetic (or "Math" as some folk say [it's just wrong but there's too many of them...but hey, they won't be reading this anyway]) proof that a global disease can drive the price of a helmet down by a massive £13.30 [although the "February blip" as it's now referred to in specialist helmet collecting circles (socially distanced of course, so the circle has a diameter of 2m and members stand 2m apart on that same circumference which means that in a 2m diameter “circle” there’s 3 specialist helmet collectors…..so, a triangle in effect…unless of course the remaining 0.28 represents a very small collector….but that only makes the triangle a square right? ……anyway, the February blip, which was of course pre-Lockdown but post-Virus, has still not been explained...and without which this whole report [for that's what it is] would've been very different in that a massive price UPLIFT of nearly 50% on Dec '19, £54.04 to be precise would've been the conclusion.

    So, proof indeed that a virus DOES impact market prices by decreasing them from an unexplained previous increase. All this means that the prediction of free Virtus helmets at this year’s War and Peace Show will not come to fruition (mainly because every other Show in the country has been cancelled already…although W&P hasn’t……yet)

    Expect tomorrows headlines to read "VIRUS DRIVES VIRTUS DOWN" or "HELMETS - THE NEW BITCOIN?" or "VIRUS VIRTUS!" (it doesn't actually mean anything but Journo's love that s***) or how about "VIRTUS ATE MY HAMPSTER" or "SECRET HELMET STASH UNEARTHED IN BARNARD CASTLE" (they defo won't get that one!!) or "CHRIS WHITTY WEARS SKIN-COLOURED VIRTUS"

    ...has anyone else noticed that to date, they haven't had 2 "shorties" at the briefing together...have they only got one box? is there a Podium Box shortage?.....why aren't the podiums height-adjustable? in fact, is it "podiums"?...Podia?.....

    Anyway, a really bad disease increases the price of helmets initially and then, when the panic starts to calm down, the prices starts heading back down.......it's not hard...

    ‘just sayin’…..

  7. #37


    cheapest on ebay today £150 buy it now plus P&P

    revision helmet Size Medium British Army Virtus | eBay


    Whatever its just an opinion.

  8. #38


    Lowest I’ve seen was £60...at a Fair

  9. #39


    Quote by Composite View Post
    Lowest I’ve seen was £60...at a Fair
    That price seems fair for a fair, but which fair are we talking about? Was the fair a pre virus fair? Or maybe it was a fairly recent fair being held in breach of Government guidelines on events and fairs and fairly small gatherings.

  10. #40


    Quote by Composite View Post
    Lowest I’ve seen was £60...at a Fair
    cheap as chips mate, but no fairs anywhere this year, maybe later this year they will happen, but add in the travel costs, time spent etc and £150 is not so bad.

    Mind you when they become thirty quid in a few years time then I might get one


    Whatever its just an opinion.

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