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united nations "blue helmet"

Article about: Just to share my very first UN helmet this one an irish army peackeeping helmet and dated 1984, the maker shows orlite ive often wondered if rabintex and orlite are one and the same ? even m

  1. #1

    Default united nations "blue helmet"

    Just to share my very first UN helmet this one an irish army peackeeping helmet and dated 1984, the maker shows orlite ive often wondered if rabintex and orlite are one and the same ? even more confusing is the JMA ALL BLACK NEW ZEALAND referance penned into the shell liner ,ive tryed to speculate where a helmet made in the 80's saw use perhaps in the lebanon ,also i wanted to show the differances to the chinstrap catch this one does not have the hebrew mark as on my other 201 ,can anybody help me find some decent referance pictures of these style helmets in use for peackeeping duties united nations "blue helmet"united nations "blue helmet"united nations "blue helmet"united nations "blue helmet"united nations "blue helmet"united nations "blue helmet"united nations "blue helmet"united nations "blue helmet"united nations "blue helmet"united nations "blue helmet"united nations "blue helmet"united nations "blue helmet"united nations "blue helmet"united nations "blue helmet"

  2. #2
    MAP is offline


    Nice helmet James. These composites confuse the heck out of me.

    So does "Patches" approve of the purchase? Or have a preference of the two helmets?

    "Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated

    My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them

    "Don't tell me these are investments if you never intend to sell anything" (Quote: Wife)

  3. #3


    Hi michael and thanks for your interest mate these israeli helmets were issued for there defence forces and also there was an export version available hence the subtle differences ,freeman (patches) was completely impartial
    cheers james

  4. #4


    Nice looking helmets, but I know bu**er-all about them. A bit (lot) after my time I'm afraid!

  5. #5


    thank you for your honesty steve the covers look very similar to the british mk6 but in the irish dpm

  6. #6


    Excellent and unusual UN example James,, I really like the wear and tear on this one, UN helmets do not come up very often so it's good to see this one Buddy

  7. #7


    Thanks gary for a UN helmet its had a bit of a hard life

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